Questionable motives...

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Bruce visited Joker daily to give him water, a small amount of food and to let him go to the toilet. The clown had been there for 4 days now, spending most of his time hanging from his wrists alone in the dark. Bruce decided he needed to let him have a bit of time not hanging from the ceiling, perhaps even let him shower.

He hadn't spoken or tried to escape, just stayed there, hanging in silence. Bruce knew it was because of the unexpected kiss. Bruce didn't bother to talk much either, saying the occasional command but nothing else.

He went to visit him again.

When he walked through the door Joker didn't move his head to look at him. He continued staring down at the floor, even as Bruce began to speak.

"I've brought you some food and water."

No answer.


"Why did you do that?" 

Bruce was taken off guard by the abrupt question. What did he mean? Was he'd brought him food?

"What are you talking about, Joker?"

Joker lifted his head up and locked gazes with Batman. His eyes were bloodshot, faint bags forming under them. His hair was like a green mop on his head, sticking out in all directions.
His face looked hollow and ghost like, and his lips were chapped and bleeding, as if he'd been gnawing on them.

He looked more dead than alive.

"Not that, earlier, the kiss, why did you kiss me?" His voice was frantic and quick, urgency in his question.

Bruce felt twinge of anxious anticipation, it was working. The clown was losing his edge, and they both knew it.

Never in a million years would Joker have expected Batman to kiss him, certainly not after he'd killed everyone he cared about. This didn't make any sense to him, why would Batman kiss him? He'd been flirting with him for years yet the Bat chose now to show interest... But he knew it wasn't really interest, it was most likely just Batman trying to confuse him, to get him to-

"Because I wanted to."

Joker was pulled out of his thoughts by Batman's response, a response that didn't help him at all in trying to piece together the situation.

Joker let out a bitter laugh before replying.

"You're lying, Batsy darling- you'd never admit to wanting to kiss me. You're too deep in your denial for that. So what is it then, trying to get inside my head? Trying to confuse me? Well I can see through your little act, through your sorry attempts at 'punishing' me. You'll never be able to get to me Batman, because unlike you I have nothing to lose, so I'm always one step ahead of you, even tied up and hanging from the celling. This is a game you just can't win Batsy baby."

Batman growled under his breath, anger coursing through him. This was probably the most emotive he'd felt since he first gazed eyes upon his deceased loved ones, afterwards he'd been running on autopilot, pushing his emotions to the back of his mind to solely focus on hurting Joker, on being able to make him pay, but the rage he felt now was hot and heavy and all consuming and he couldn't stop himself from losing control.

Batman marched over and gripped Joker by his shoulders hard enough to leave bruises, his voice harsh and rage filled, but holding an edge of something else, something desperate and fragile.

"Thanks to you now I have nothing left to lose."

They stared at each other intently for a moment, eyes boring into each other and neither one backing down from their intense staring contest, then Batman turned away and tried his best to regain his composure. He looked back at Joker with disgust and a venomous glare, the wrath of which could still be felt even from under his mask. He continued on.

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