Punish me...

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Batman prepared himself to visit Joker again. He didn't want to, but he knew that he needed to. He hadn't seen him since the day before and he had previously decided to see the clown once a day at least to sort out his basic needs.

When he entered the room he was shocked to find Joker asleep. It was known from his times at Arkham that the man was a severe insomniac, seemingly never needing to sleep. It took lethal dosages of sedatives to get him to shut his eyes, and even then the effects wore off quickly.

For Batman, of course, he could just beat the clown unconscious, but they weren't supposed to harm their patients at Arkham... Supposed to, anyway.

Bruce could only assume he'd passed out from exhaustion and lack of nutrients, he hadn't exactly been giving him much to eat or drink.

He strode over to him and harshly shook his shoulders.

"Joker, wake up."

Joker abruptly awoke, groggy eyes looking around in confusion, then focusing on Batman with a fiery intensity.


"You haven't eaten or drunk anything since yesterday, nor have you showered since you've been here. You probably need to use the toilet too, so I'm here to sort you out."

Joker laughed, maintaining his glare as he did so.

"And why are you so worried about my wellbeing all of a sudden, Bats." The 's' sound was emphasised as he practically spat his words at Batman, he was very pissed off, that much Bruce could tell.

"I don't, but you have basic needs as every human does, and I don't want you to die before I'm finished punishing you."

"Hmm, and what if I don't want to do any of that stuff?" Defiance was evident in his tone.

"It's not a choice, Joker." Batman was quickly becoming irritated, the clown just had to make everything difficult.

"I see, well I'm not going to make things any easier for you by complying."

Bruce sighed, frustrated.

"Why're you are you being so difficult?"

"Because, Bats, I'm not just some pet that you can do whatever you want with. I don't want to eat and while I'm sure you'll manage to force me like you always manage to do, I'm not going to make the process any easier for you."

"Have it your way, be difficult, but you're only making this process uncomfortable for you, not me."

It took a long while, but Bruce finally managed to get the Joker to eat something and drink some water. The only thing left that he needed to do was get him to shower.

"Alright Joker, we're almost done, you just need to get showered."

Joker nodded, he hadn't been very vocal since Bruce had practically force fed him.

Making sure the madman's arms were cuffed behind his back, Bruce walked the clown prince of crime to the shower rooms in the cave.

It was his first time being out of the room, and Bruce wasn't sure how Joker was going to react.

All seemed well until the Joker suddenly moved, as quick as lightening- he turned around, and flung his cuffed hands over Batman's head. He moved round to the back of the caped crusader, and began to strangle him.

Batman turned his head to look at the Joker, the fierce hatred in the madman's eyes stunned Batman, causing him to lose focus of the arms wrapped tightly around his throat.

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