Chapter 4

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Hi guys sorry that i havent been making stories. Choir and mc had got in the way but to show that i am back is the next chapter hope you guys like it. Bye.

Y/n Pov

I lied. I was only going to do one cut today. I grabbed the Razor and pulled my sleeve up. I put the razor to my arm and cut it. "It may not be worth it to cut But it gets the pain away." I said. I then had a flash back when i was younger. When my parents loved me. We had went to a carnival. I went to big tent. I walked in and saw alot of other children. I went and sat down. Then music started to play. It was pop goes the weasel. But it was different. It had different words. Then a clown with a pointy nose came out. That was Lj. He started to give out candy. He then came to me. He handed me some candy but i had declined. He had said "Your parents aren't here. They wont see." I shoke my head and declined again. 

Ok guys that is all for this chapter Bye


Hannah/ Dark_Moon_Angel

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