Chapter 8

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Lj's Pov

The past month me and the CP's were looking for Y/n. Until one day Zaglo came and said that he had saw someone that looked like Y/n. We didnt believe him until he showed us a picture of her. We then knew that she was in his realm. We followed him to his realm and then we all blacked out. 'Ugh we just got played.' i said in my mind. We woke up in a cell.

"Ugh let me out Zaglo!!"I yelled gripping the cell bars. No answer. Besides the other CP's waking up.

Y/n Pov

When he grabbed my hand i had blacked out. When i woke up i saw i was in a cell. I saw that they had the CP's there in the cell's. I then saw one that caught my eye. Lj. He was sleeping. As for the others they were sleeping too.

"Ugh wake up you idiots!!" I yelled to them from my cell. Waking them up. They looked for where that voice  had came from. They all had shocked faces. 

"Y/n why are u here? Did Zaglo Get you?" Slender asked.

"Im here so i cant help u escape. Yes, Zaglo did Catch me." I said slipping out of the cell bars. 

"Looks like im out. Now i need to find the keys." I mumbled as i was out of the cell. The others looked shocked that i had got out of there easy.

"How did u get out of there?" Jeff asked.

"Im a human still. It was easy." I said finding a rack that had alot of keys. 

"Oh so ur saying that since ur still human u could get out of there? And that since we are cp's we cant." Lj asked.

"Yes." I said duhly. I unlocked all of their cells. They all gave me a group hug.

"Im gonna die from lack of air!" I said as they moved away. Then we heard a loud growl. It came from behind us.

  Ok guys i put a cliffhanger. Who do u think it is? Alot happened in this chapter but it will make it all better cause of the person that growled. With that said Bye!!!!

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