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"And when you go, would you even turn to say, I don't love you, like I did, yesterday"

(A/N i make myself emotional, ALSO TWO UPDATES IN ONE DAY)


brendon: pete red velvet or vanilla

peteypie: RED VELVET

brendon: i gotchu

peteypie: thankyouthankyou

brendon: <3

brendon: imma leave the chat for a bit

brendon left the chat

peteypie: is he okay?

spencil: he's not taking it well

cryanross: imapieceofshit

jonwalker: shut up

billiejoe: is he gonna be okay?

spencil: .

billiejoe: ??

spencil: ill pm you

cryanross: nononono

cryanross: i wanna know

jonwalker: no you dont

geetard: ryan you really dont

cryanross: dont tell me what i want

spencil: fine

spencil: no i dont think hes gonna be okay, he stopped being brendon when you left then started when you came back

spencil: and its not like he can run back to dallon because 1. that never works out and 2. theres kenny now

dadlon: yeah

cryanross: what do you mean "run to dallon"?

spencil: when you left the first time, he ran to dallon for "comfort" and then when he was no longer your little toy, he ran to dallon again

dadlon: i still feel bad

spencil: shut up dont

dadlon: i took advantage of him

kenneththebear: no you didnt 

dadlon: hm

cryanross: why is this so hard

spencil: its gonna be harder because you told him that you told him that you loved him

cryanross: ?? 

spencil: dude he's always gonna think that theres still gonna be a chance

spencil: hes never gonna move on 

cryanross: what the hell am i supposed to do

jonwalker: .

billiejoe: oh

cryanross: not happening

halsey: ry...

cryanross: forget it.

jonwalker: ryan your gonna have to

cryanross: im not doing it

spencil: he wants to split the band

cryanross: what?

spencil:  i just heard him on the phone with Zach


Gay Ass Group Chat 2 (But It's Gayer)Where stories live. Discover now