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"Hello." I said, wide-eyed, fearful, and...or was it worry?

I hear a "Hi" from behind me. I jump out of my chair, and spin around, and saw a smiling fox waving her hook. I began to think, and in turn, panic. I ran out of the dining hall, fearful of my death, and flustered from the animtronics. I eventually reach the security room, and closed the doors.


I jump, and see the bunny animtronic with the fox in the left window.

"What do you want?!" I say, panicked, and slightly curious.

The two animtronics looked at one another, then the bunny said,"We wish to talk, we didn't mean to scare you! Its just you were the first guard to ever sit up next to the stage to greet us."

"To talk? Not to kill?" I question, cynical of whether or not robots could lie.

"We promise. You can even leave one of us outside of the office."

I start to pace a bit, starting to get annoyed with the phone and its automatic voice mail.

"Alright...but you both might as well enter, but no one else, is that fine?"

They both nod, and I open the right door, and quickly usher them into the office, and then quickly closes the door. They stand at least a foot taller than me, and patiently, and under promise, they wait for me to stop panicking.

I slowly pace, walking the length of the office, which is very small by any standards.

I point at the phone. "Alright....does anyone care about this thing?" they both shake their heads, and i unplug the phone, and place it in the backroom. I come back into the room, and both of the animtronics are still waiting.

" that is handled...hello." I say, kind of embarrassed that they saw me freak out.



"Do you both have names that I could learn?" I ask.

"My name is Bonnie, this here is Foxy." the bunny said, meanwhile putting her? arm around the fox while the fox kept waving at me at a rapid rate.

"Alright, my name is Daniel, nice to meet you Bonnie, also nice to meet you Foxy. You both could have a seat in the chair if you wish. I can't sit down, still kinda jumpy." I say, still pacing, but much slower than previously.

Bonnie sits down while uh...Foxy gets closer and has her tail whishing happily. I begin to blush and stammers,"uh-um, excuse me, wee bit close for comfort." Foxy stops her advance towards me and apologizes, taking a few steps back.

As soon as the fox took a few steps back, I realize something important.

"Hey Bonnie, did you tell the other two I saw earlier that you were coming to speak to me?"

The animtronics eyes went as big as was allowed, and it was then, we both heard someone yelling and pounding on the left door.




I open the right door and as soon as it was wide enough, Foxy quickly ran to the right door. The yelling and banging immediately subsided, and had me and Bonnie wide eyed in the office.

"Dan? Could you please open this door?" I hear, understanding that the only other to hear my name was Foxy, I open the door, and see Foxy smiling. She walks back in, and looks over at Bonnie,"Bon, we forgot to tell Freddie about coming over to reason with the guard...."

"Figures...I'll smooth things over with Freddie, you stay here and make sure Dan doesn't pace himself to death, for once we have a decent human to be around." Foxy nods, and looks into my eyes, and then smiles. "Don't worry Daniel, we have an overprotective sort of mother, and she doesn't trust the night guards, especially those who goggle over these." She lifts her breasts, then drops them, making them jiggle. I immediately look away, blushing and embarrassed, with how the fox was laughing at me. "You are cute, and relatively nice. I hope you stay around Danny." I blush a deeper red, and sees Bonnie in the right doorway.

Thanks for reading, if you read the time of writing, I was dumped, so quite not in the mood for writing, but the next chapter will be out soon. Hopefully. Till then, cya around.

Edit: I messed up here...oopsy. The part after this will be below the real chapter.

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