Part 23

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Natasha's POV

Dear Diary:

Everybody loved our onesies and yes we did get on the aeroplane in them. They are much comfier than normal clothes to wear on an aeroplane. We are now relaxing by the pool and of course me and Aston and Roch and Marv were drinking non alcoholic cocktails. Our boys didn't want to drink in front of us seems we are pregnant. That's weird to think about it. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant. I'm pregnant with TWINS. I'm am so excited for everything but now that I think that about it I'm gonna have to get baby stuff again because I now have 2 and not just 1. Ast is so calm but I'm so excited and I just can't hide it. I sang that bit in my head. I bet Ast is hiding his excitement at the minute but once it clicks, it will show and I mean it will show. He'll end up doing the dougie or he'll sing a big happy song or even both and jump around and just get himself so hyper. Can't wait for that. It is always hilarious. He's like a kid still. A BIG kid at that. Anyway, it was so funny before because I put my favourite purple and white striped bikini on but it wouldn't fit so I had to ask one of the girls to go to the shop and buy me another one in a bigger size but Chlo and Jay came back with a kids bright pink bather with yellow flowers on the straps and butterflies and hearts over the rest of it and I pretended I was putting it on but then it ripped even though Chlo made sure she got a receipt to take it back but she can't now so I gave her the money back and told her to get a different one. Now I'm wearing a pink and white striped bikini a bit like my purple one but pink and a bit bigger and I like this one better. I am lying on my pink lilo in the middle of the pool and the other girls in different coloured ones and the boys are sitting around the bar watching football. It was Arsenal against Chelsea so Marv and Ast were arguing over who was better. I do just hope that Ast doesn't keep buying lots of football strips for T and oh wait we don't have another little name, I'll ask ast later. But anyway one football strip is enough and it will go nice with some little converse socks for babies. To be honest I loved just lying here thinking and writing this diary, its peaceful and relaxing and I'm getting a tan while I'm at it.

Aston's POV

"Yessss which team is best?" I shouted at Marv to rub it in. As you may have guessed Arsenal won. I turned around to see if I could see Natasha on the sunbed beside the pool until I saw 4 different colours in the pool, it was the girls lying on lilos and Natasha looked as if she was writing in a diary. Well if she needs to let everything go then so be it, things are better that way. I'm a tiny bit upset its not me that she's spoke to about everything but if she doesn't want to say and just want to write it down then I'm not gonna stop her. Oh a new movie came out called Frozen and now Natasha is saying that that's her favourite movie now and despicable me is her second. She hasn't even seen Frozen yet but she's saw the trailer and everyone says she looks like Anna more than Lucy from despicable me. As soon as it comes out though I'm going to take her to see it. Oh I just remembered the spa day I arranged for the girls is the day we come back to London. "Bruv on saturday what time do we get back home for?" I asked Marv in a rush with a panic tone in my voice. "Whoah come down why?"

"Just answer my question Marv!"

"12 why?"

"Phew just because the girls have there spa day at one so we'll unpack all our stuff and set everything up ready for them getting back and we go to the club for a lads night out but make sure there is plenty wine ready for the girls and we'll have a couple hours to do that."

"Stop panicking, they'll be away for a few hours + there's four of them so yeah it will take a while and there's four of us to get it sorted. Calm down." Marv said calming me down. We have a surprise girls night in planned for them and us boys are gonna have a lads night out. Anyway I got Natasha and I another drink so I picked up that little bit of string attached to Natasha's lilo and the side of the pool because the pool is so big she didn't want to get stranded because she didn't actually want to get wet so I reeled her in with the string. She had her headphones in and nearly had a heart attack when I pulled her in. She then took them out to speak "hey, I nearly died."she said.

"Shit, don't die I'm sorry, I wouldn't know what I would do." I replied in a sarcastic way but a truthful way at the same time.

"HAHA very funny, what's up anyway?"

"I got you another drink."

"Oh thank you babe." I got up off my lilo and gave him a peck on the cheek.

"I'm gonna buy you drinks more often if that's what I get."

"Hhm mr soppygold."

"Hahaha you did it to me, I never used to be like that."

"I didn't do anything."

"You did you came in to my life."

"Ast I've always been in your life."

"Not as my girlfriend."

"I love you."

"I love you too." We have a sweet but passionate kiss until we heard everyone wolf whistling.

"I'm gonna sit with you now and we can talk and just be ourselves AND get a tan." Natasha said.

"In other words we're gonna be ourselves whilst getting a tan and being lazy?"

"Well yeah. Oh and while I remember we have T but what are we gonna call this 2nd baby?"

"CHEESE!"Aston sprouted up.

"Erm no I don't think so."

"Oh. Come on we'll have cheese and tomato."

"Definitely not."

"Please, it will be funny and once they grow older and we tell them about when they were born, we can embarrass them in front of their boyfriend who will treat them right or I'll kill them."

"Who says that they are gonna have a boyfriend, what if its a girlfriend?"

"I don't really care if they are girls or boys."

"Fine Cheese and Tomato then, but your taking the blame when they are embarrassed."

"I will, I will."

"Good I'm not gonna be the one that gets in trouble with them."

"Babe YOU are their mum. They listen to you not the other way round."

"I know but I just would like to be one of the mums that they can tell anything too and be 'cool'!"

"And you are cool otherwise we wouldn't be here today would we?"

"Nope and I would have been apart of the nerd crew when we were at school."

"See smart and cool and absolutely beautiful. The whole package." I said this and I saw a big grin plaster all ove Natasha's face. That always makes me smile. I love her so much, its unreal.

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