Chapter 4- Jay

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I pulled into the driveway of my pack house with a sigh. I look over at Minnie, to find her staring at the house with wide eyes and an open mouth.

The house was huge, but I was used to it by now, but I guess Minnie wouldn't be. It broke my heart when I heard her story and what her life has been like. I wouldn't let that happen again.

She is my mate and deserves to be treated with love and respect. She is going to be so spoiled. I looked at her and smiled, she was so beautiful. I was so lucky.

"Okay, can we go now," Tommy asked, glaring at me.

He really didn't like me. He was definitely an overprotective brother, even if he was only seven.

"Yeah, let's go," I say, hopping out of the car and rushing over to Minnie's side.

I wrap my arm around her as soon as she gets out of the car, making her glare at me playfully.

"I can walk by myself you know," she said with a small chuckle.

"I know, I just can't pass up an opportunity to hold my girl," he smirks, making m blush.

Tommy makes a fake gaging sound behind us and I let out a small laugh, turning back towards him.

"Just wait until you find yourself a girl," I chuckle, making him turn bright red.

I laugh and turn back around, only to find us on the front of the pack house. I hear Minnie take in a deep breathe before looking over at me.

"You'll be fine. I'll be with you the whole time," I mumble against her temple as I place a kiss there.

"Okay," Minnie says confidently, giving me a firm nod.

I push open the pack house and walk inside, dragging Minnie and Tommy in with me. I dragged Minnie and Tommy with me into the kitchen, where I could smell my mother

"Oh hey honey...oh, who is this?" my mother says from the kitchen.

She was leaning on the counter and chopping up some meat when she saw us. Her long blonde hair was pulled up into a high ponytail, with little strands framing her face. Her light blue eyes stared between Minnie and Tommy, confused.

"Mom, this is Tommy," I say motioning towards the seven year old. "And this is Minnie, my mate," I say with a bright smile, looking down at my short mate.

"OH MY GOSH!" my mom shrieked, jumping up from her chair and charging at Minnie.

"Agh!" Minnie shrieked and ducked behind me, making me laugh, until I realized that Minnie was in a fighting stance.

This was her normal reaction to people approaching her. My heart snapped in half thinking about what she had to go through the make that her sudden reaction. I pull her into my side and send my mom a warning look.

"Be careful with her. She has been through a lot," I warn my mom and she gives me a nod.

"I'm sorry dear. I'm just so excited! My son found his mate!" she cried again.

"It's okay," Minnie said, blushing slightly.

She was so adorable! I chuckled and kissed the top of her head, making my mom gasp.

"Oh my god, this is so cute. David! David get in here!" she called out through the house.

"What? Sarah, what happened?" my dad called, running down the stairs with a panicked expression on his face.

"Jay found his mate!" she cried out, motioning towards.

"What!" he cried, fully coming into the kitchen.

His hazel eyes landed on Minnie and a smile appeared on his face. He brushed a strand of his graying black hair out of his face before coming to stand beside my mom.

"So, you're my son's mate. What's your name?" he asks with a smirk.

"Minnie, and this is my younger brother Tommy," she says, motioning towards her brother.

"Oh, that's nice...what is that smell?" my father asks, sniffing the air.

Minnie shoots me a panicked look, but I just nod, telling her that she can trust them.

"It doesn't smell human, but it doesn't smell like a wolf. What is that?' my mother added.

"It's me," Minnie says sheepishly, with a small blush.

"What?" they ask at the same time.

"Well...I am not a human, but I'm not a werewolf either. I...I have the same abilities as a werewolf, but instead of turning into a wolf...I turn into a bear," she says, preparing for them to explode.

I tighten my grip on her and smile when she relaxes into my touch. She still looked worried, but I knew my parents wouldn't care.

"Oh my god! That's so cool," my mother gushes. "Can you show us?"

"Um...I guess?" she says, untangling herself from my arms. "But not in here, my bear is too big," I say with a small smile.

"Oh of course honey, let's go!" she says and pulls her husband, David, outside.

I follow behind them with Jay clinging onto my side as we made our way out. I stepped out into the front lawn and shifted from each foot nervously.

"Can...can you guys please turn around?' I ask shyly.

They all nod and turn around with an encouraging nod. I quickly strip and shift into my bear. I let out a low growl letting them know I had shifted. They all spun around and stared at me with an open mouth, well all except Tommy.

"Holy shit!" David exclaimed. "You really can turn into a bear!"

I nodded my head as Jay came up beside me and started petting my head. I let out a low growl and leaned into his touch, nudging his side with my snout.

"That is amazing!" my mother exclaimed. "You are really lucky to have her as a mate," she said to me with a smirk.

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