Chapter 14- Minnie

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I sprinted through the battlefield, easily killing all of my targets. They didn't stand a chance against my bear, at least not until they brought out their poisonous guns.

A bullet pierced my side and I let out a small growl as I plowed into the shooter. He was quickly dead, but replaced with another shooter. This bullet found its way into my shoulder. I continued to kill hunters and rogues as bullets found their way into me, and teeth sunk into my skin. I was slowly losing blood and weakening. They really knew how to hunt a bear.

A poison covered rope was thrown over me, making me cry out as the rope burned my flesh. I fought the urge to shift back and ripped it off me, running into the forest just to lose my attackers, but I was met with more of them. Rogues and hunter's circled me.

Another bullet found its way into my chest, making me fall to the ground with a whimper. I growled as another rope was thrown over me and a spear jabbed my side.

"Well, look at this," a familiar voice purred coming up on my left side.

I snarled at it, but it turned into a whimper when a burning liquid was dumped on me. Poison! I let out a low growl as I was forced back into my human form, covered in blood and blistering skin.

"How nice of you to finally tire, my god. You are such a hassle. You nearly kill all of my men while we tire you out," Scar sighed with disappointment. "Take her with us before her fucking mate comes," Scar growls, motioning with his hands.

Next thing I know, I am being dragged across the forest floor, the rope wrapped around me, and burning into my skin. I let out small whimpers and silent tears fall down my eyes. I could barely speak. My entire body was on fire and I had bullet wound everywhere, along with the rogues' bites!

"Shut up!" a hunter yells, as he pulls me along.

I snarl at him, but it turns into a loud choking sound as a bullet lands itself into my chest once more. The world goes black and I feel my body going limp before I finally black out.


I woke up to darkness. I tried to sit up, but fell back to the cement ground with a coughing fit, blood falling out of the corner of my mouth. I looked down at myself and realized I was still naked and caked in blood, most of it mine.

The bullets lodged in my chest were going to kill me if I didn't get it out. I looked around, trying to find something to get it out with, but there was nothing.

I rolled over onto my stomach nad attempted to drag myself over to the cell bars, but it ended in another coughing fit, with me spitting blood onto the cement.

"Here you go," I hear a gentle voice say to my left.

I whip my head around just in time for a massive shirt to hit me. I pull it off my face and stare at an old man. He looks to be in his seventies. He looked starved and deathly pale.

"Take it, you need it," he says, offering me a warm smile.

I blush, but pull the shirt on over myself anyway. I finally manage to sit up and lean against the only cement wall, facing his cell. Our cells were only divided by a set of bars.

"Who...who are you," I choke out, my voice coming out hoarse and raspy.

My chest burned with the effort, making me cough and spit out blood. I wipe the remaining blood off my chin with the back of my hand, before turning my full attention back to the old man.

"My name is Trevor, I was put in here after the hunters and rogues took over my pack," he said calmly with a sigh.

"Why...why d-did they keep y y-you alive," I managed to get out, only coughing once.

"I used to be the pack doctor and they needed one for certain purposes,' he says with a sigh.

I nod, not wanting to speak. I knew I was going to die in here. They gave up on trying to use me to reproduce, most likely. I was covered in bullet wounds and most of them were still inside me, making it impossible to heal.

I leaned my head back against the wall as I thought of Jay. I only had two months with him. They were the best two months of my life, and they just ended. I loved him and I would never be able to tell him again. I would never see him smile at me, or hold me in his arms. He would never be overprotective and jealous of the smallest things. I was going to die in here and I would never see his gorgeous face or hear his beautiful voice.

Tommy was the next person that came to mind. He was going to grow up without his sister. I told him I would never leave him, and here I was, away from my little brother. I hope Jay takes good care of him. I couldn't bare it if anything happened to Tommy, though I wouldn't know, because I was about to die.

The tears fell down my face harder s I thought more about my life. I had made so many friends in the past two months. I had become the Luna of the Northern pack and now it was all being taken away from me because I am a bear shifter.

"Hey, don't let them see you cry. They take joy in it," Trevor said sadly.

"It doesn't m-matter. I-I'm going t-to die," I gasp, wiping blood from the corner of my mouth.

"What do you mean?"

"I have so many b-bullet w-wound and b-bite m-marks. I h-have lost m-most of m-my blood, and my l-lung are m-most likely bl-bleeding," I choke on my own blood.

"I...I can't do anything," he says shakily, but I only nod as I close my eyes and let sleep take me away.


"Heal her! I need her to create an army,' I heard Scar growl, but my eyes were still closed.

"Yes, sir," I heard a few people mumble before I felt a sharp pain in my chest.

I couldn't move or even cry out. I laid there still as they worked on my body, healing me and attempting to sew me back up.

I quickly lost the small slip of consciousness I had and felt my head fall back to the side as my body and mind numbed.

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