Chapter 6- Minnie

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"Mom, help me!" I cried as my bones popped.

I writhed on the floor, crying out in pain, while my parents just watched me in horror. Tommy lay in his crib, crying his eyes out for his parents to acknowledge him, but they didn't care.

"Please!" I choked out as my back snapped, sending a blinding pain through me.

"Oh my god!" my father whispered in horror, staring straight at me.

The pain had stopped! I looked down at myself and found myself on all fours with fur and claws. I was a bear! I let out a surprised growl and shuffled away from my parents.

"You are such a fucking freak! What the hell!' my mother screamed, sprinting for the door, my father following after her.

I fell to the carpet of our home, silently crying in my bear form. I didn't know how to shift back. the front door opened and I lifted my head up, hoping it would be my parents, but it wasn't.

Four huge men walked in with guns attached to their hips and shotguns help in their hands. I whimpered and scooched farther away until my back collided with the wall.

"Well, lookie here," one says, holding up his gun.

He fires it, sending a burning pain through my shoulder.

I let out a growl and feel myself losing control. I can't control my actions as I charge at the nearest man. I jump on him, sending him crashing to the ground, before ripping his throat out with my claws. The next go down without much of a struggle, and I end up with only one more bullet wound.

I collapse onto the ground, exhausted and in so much pain. My eyes flutter shut and everything turns black


"Look at this, we finally caught the little bear cub," a man sneers peering at me through the bars of the cage. "She's pretty for a bear shifter demon," says another man with a smirk as he looks over my fourteen-year-old form.

"What do you say, wanna have some fun?" he asks me with another smirk.

I growl at him, but it come out week. I have been starved for over a week, and injected with poisons, stopping me from shifting.

I whimper as he opens the door to the cage and grabs me. I punch him square in the jaw, making him cry out in pain. He backhands me across the face, then shoves me to the ground. He jumps on top of my, placing disturbing kisses all over me, his hands running all over my body, making me fee dirty and disgusting.

"Stop! Get away from me!" I screech, thrashing around.

I bring my knee up and hit him in the groin, making him roll off me. I jump up and attempt to run, but he grips my ankle and pulls me back down to the ground and drags me back underneath him.,

"Minnie?" a small, terrified voice asks.

"Tommy, look away, please. Close your eyes and cover your ears," I sob, trying to get away, but it's not use. "Stop! Get away from me!"

He doesn't stop, and he certainly doesn't get away from me. I scream and cry, but no one helps me or cares enough to come looking for me.

"Minnie, wake up!" I hear a panicked voice scream on top of me.

I let out a cry and shove the person off of me, and scramble up into a sitting position, bringing my knees up to my chest. I look frantically around the room and realize I'm not in a dungeon and there is no hunter.

I let out a sob of relief and burry my head into my knees. My whole body shakes with every sob.

"Minnie?" a male voice asks, making me stiffen and snap my head up.

I find Jay staring at me with concerned and panic filled eyes. I let out another loud sob and burry my head back into my knees, trying to forget the awful memories. The hunter had taken my innocence. He did in front of Tommy, but I made Tommy look away. That was four years ago, and it still haunts me.

I shake just thinking about it. I jump when I feel a hand on my shoulder and look up through blurry eyes at Jay. I through myself at him and hug him, crying into his shirt.

After a few minutes, I finally pull away, wiping my tears from my eyes. I look everywhere but at him. He can't know. He won't want me anymore. He'll think less of me. I can't let that happen.

"Minnie, it's okay. It was only a dream," he says, gently rubbing my back, but I shake my head.

"Not a dream, a memory," I sniff.

"Of what?"

"I...I can't tell you," I say with a raspy voice.

"Okay, babe. It's okay. Just know that whatever it is, you can tell me. I'm here and I'm not going anywhere."

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