Chapter 10-Minnie

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I let out a vicious growl and jump out of Jay's arms as soon as I hear the scream. I look around carefully, trying to spot the source of the scream, but once I find it, I wish I didn't know.

Coming through the woods is an army of rogues and hunters, led by non-other than the bastard that stole my innocence.

I can feel all the blood drain from my face as he smirks at me, obviously remembering the multiple horrid memories. I had been stuck with him for a little less than two weeks and he had ruined me more than once.

My body shakes with fear and rage as I see them getting closer. My rage finally takes over and I let out a loud growl, making some of the rogues and my pack member's whimper.

"Tommy, get to the pack house, take a some warrior's with you," I call out to him, not taking my eyes off of him.

I hear a few people murmur before Jay's Alpha voice booms over all of the pack.

"Get the ones who can't fight to the pack house and guard them. The rest of you, fight!" Jay yells out across the pack. He turns to face me with a determined look in his eyes.

"No, I am not going with them!" I snarl, letting part of my bear seep through.

He lowers his head, but slowly regains his dominance and snarls back at me.

"You will go with them!" he says gripping my arms.

"No! I! Won't!" I roar before shifting into my bear.

Jay takes a step away from me and most of the pack members look at me with a mixture of horror and awe. I give Jay one last look before sprinting through the crowd and towards the attackers.

"Attack!" I heard Jay order.

I growled at an approaching rogue and pounced on him, crushing him into the earth with my thousand pound bear. I grip his throat in my jaws and rip it open, blood coating my mouth and fur.

I jump off him and attack the next rogue, and the next, ignoring all of the bite marks I was receiving. One wolf jumped on my back and bit into my shoulder, making me roar. I fall to the ground and roll over the wolf, making him whimper as his bones snapped. I finish the job by ripping out his throat, before a bullet pierces my side.

I growl and turn towards the hunter, charging at him as more bullets are being fired at me. The fighting around me blurs as my gaze locks onto my target. I slam into him, ripping his head off in the process.

My bear was taking full control and becoming more aggressive than normal. No one attacks my pack and gets away with it. I growled as I killed another hunter, but I was slowly loosing energy.

I had bullets wounds and bites all over me and I was slowly losing blood. I may be a huge ass bear, but I could still die from blood loss.

A bullet pierces my shoulder at the same time that one finds its way into my front right leg. I cry out and fall to the ground. I try to rise, but massive ropes are thrown over me, covered with poisons. My skin burns as I'm slowly forced to shift back into my human form, me entire body covered in blood and wounds.

"Ah, looking here. Remember me little cub," I hear a familiar voice purr.

I look up and my eyes lock with those of my worst nightmare, Scar. He sneers and leans down beside me, pulling out a knife. I whimper as he looks at me, my skin burning wherever the rope touches.

"You should never have run away from me," he says, before burying the knife in my thigh.

I let out a loud scream as the man laughs, wiping a fake tear from his eyes. Silent tears fall down my face as my vision starts to blur.

"I have thought of you every day for the past four years, I mean how could I not. You gave me this lovely reminder," he says, motioning to the scar the runs through his left eye.

Thankfully, I damaged that eye too much and he is not blind, but he looks creepy as hell with the lifeless thing, hence the nickname car. I growl at him, gaining some of my confidence and courage back.

I try to fight again the ropes again, but they burn and my entire body is burning up with pain. My vision starts to blur and turn black, but I shake my head and fight to stay conscious.

"Maybe we can have some more fun, just like old times, before we experiment with you," he smirks, draining my confidence again.

Suddenly a flash of black appears, tackling him to the ground. I realize that Jay is on top of him, attempting to kill him, but rogues keep jumping out and attacking him. I hear more growls around us and soon Jay is shoved off Scar by another massive wolf.

I let out a whimper and try to fight against the ropes that hold me down, but a hunter shoots me in the thigh, forcing me to stay put. I cry out in pain, physical and emotional, as I watch Jay get attacked.

He kills rogues left and right, but not without a few injuries. Soon Scar is forgotten and disappears into the forest, pulling some of his hunters and rogues back with him.

Some wolves from my pack kill the hunters tying me down, leaving me free, but I'm too exhausted and in too much pain to move.

I see Jay shift back and pull on a pair of sweatpants that his pack member hands him, before rushing over to me. Tear fall from his eyes, and I can't even say a word, my entire body hurts so much.

He grabs a blanket from one of his wolves and places it over me before carefully wrapping his arms around me.

"I'm so sorry, Minnie, so sorry," he cries as he picks me up.

My vision fades to black and the world around me disappears.

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