Chapter 17- Jay

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I lunged at Scar, the man that kidnapped my mate four years ago and rapped and beat her. The man that took her away from me two weeks ago and beat her, starved her, and tried to get someone else to rape her.

I jumped on one of his rogues that got in the way, ripping out his throat, but a bullet finds its way into my shoulder. I hear Ace's growl beside me as he takes out a hunter. More men filter into the dungeon, but we fight them off. I keep looking back to make sure Minnie is safe. She doesn't move and Trevor is protectively standing beside her, but none is making it past Ace and I.

I rip apart attacker after attacker until I finally reach Scar. He shifts into a massive silver wolf and tackles me. His wolf is slightly bigger than mine, but I am younger and have more skills-I hope. I rip into his paws as he pins me to the ground, making him cry out in pain.

He leans down and bites into my shoulder, but I push away the pain and flip him off me, before quickly rising and turning to him. He comes charging at me and rams me into the wall. my vision starts to blur, but I see Minnie's crumpled form out of the corner of my eye and my strength comes back to me.

I bite into his neck as he pushes me farther into the wall. He let out a whimper and tries to get me off him, but I won't let him get away. He's not getting away after what he did to Minnie and my pack.

I shove him into the ground, clamping my jaws around his throat as a bullet digs its way into my side, fired by a hunter. I let out a yelp and collapse on my side, giving Scar enough time to get up.

He stands over me, pinning me to the ground with his paws, when suddenly, he lets out a cry of pain and his blood falls onto my fur. He collapses onto me. I wiggle my way out, to find Minnie holding a gun. The same gun that was used to kill Scar.

Her entire body was shaking and covered in blood, her knees gave out, and she fell to the cement, making me whimper, but I couldn't move. My vision starts to go black around the edges before I'm sucked into unconsciousness.





I open my eyes to a blinding white light. I move my arm to cover my face, but find it hooked up with needles and tubes. I slowly sit up and start pulling them out. I need to find Minnie.

"Alpha, stop, you need those," a pack doctor rushes in the room, panicked.

"Where's Minnie?" I growl, placing my feet on the tiled ground.

"Alpha st..."

"Where is my mate?"

"She's right over there, sir," the doctor says, pointing to a hospital bed a few feet away from mine.

Minnie is lying in the bed, looking better than she did. She was clean and less pale. Her cheeks were slightly filled out and her body wasn't made of sticks anymore.

"How long have I been out?" I ask, looking up at the doctor.

"About two days, she should wake up soon also," the doctor sighs.

I nod and get up, trying to go sit beside my mate, but he places a hand on my shoulder, attempting to stop me. I growl, letting all of my alpha power seep into it and he shrinks back, letting me get up and go sit on the edge of my mate's bed.

This was just like two months ago when she was lying in a hospital bed. It scared the hell out of me, I wasn't sure if she was going to wake up. I hear the door burst open and quick pounding of footsteps.

"Minnie! Is she okay?" Tommy asks, jumping up onto the bed beside me, my parents following and staying by the door.

"Yeah buddy, she's going to be okay," I say letting out a breath as I wrap my arms around his shoulders.

"She is in so much trouble when she gets up!" he growls, looking annoyed.

"What? Why?"

"She broke her promise! She promised she wouldn't leave me, and she left me for two weeks and got hurt!" Tommy snarled again.

Why was he making those sounds? He should not be sounding like an animal? He was human...right? Yeah, or course he was human.

"It wasn't her fault," I say to Tommy, rubbing his back.

"Yeah I know. She just scared me," he mumbled, making me smile at him.

"I'm not that scary am I?" Minnie's raspy voice chuckled as she tried to sit up.

"Minnie!" Tommy cried as he launched himself at her, wrapping his arms around her neck.

"Hey bud, how are you?" she asks, looking over at me with a smile.

"You shouldn't be asking that, I should," he growls, annoyed.

Minnie shoots me a confused look, before turning her attention back to her brother.

"Okay then?" she says with a smirk.

"How are you?" he asks with a wide smile.

"I'm okay," she shrugs, looking over at me.

"Come on Tommy, let's go get that thing ready," my mother says from the doorway with a smirk.

Tommy's face lights up and he nods his head eagerly, trying to climb off Minnie, but she holds him steady.

"What thing?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

"Oh nothing, nothing," he waves her off before sprinting out of the room, my parents following behind, my dad shooting me a wink making my face heat up.

I turned back around to face Minnie and find her smirking at me. I give her a confused look, before she pats the spot beside her on the bed. I move and sit beside her, tucking her into my side. She lets out a sigh, leaning on my shoulder. This was perfect. I had my mate beside me and my family was safe.

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