The FBI Agents

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    Ok, so I will try to make my story as not cringey as possible. I hate having to read cringey stories. Let's read the story!

    As I try to step back, to get away. The stranger starts running towards me. His eyes turning black as he takes his first steps. I immediately know that he's a demon.

2 days earlier

    I walk into the basement of my 2 story home, going to do laundry. My son, Mark, was playing in the basement in the family room. My husband watching him. As I finish unloading the laundry I head into the family room to check up on them. It had seemed awfully quiet. As I open the door, I scream, blood covering the floor, some on the walls. I turn my head slightly only to find both, my son and husband, lying dead on the floor. I cry as I hurry upstairs to call the ambulance.

     The police got here a few moments after the ambulance. They question me about what I saw and heard. After they finish questioning me they check out my basement and I go stay outside waiting for them to finish. They tell me there's nothing to worry about and they will find who killed my family. They leave and I decide to inside. It was getting late. I change into some Gray fluffy pants and a plain gray tee, then go to bed.

The next morning

   As I wakeup, I turn to try and kiss my husband, only to remember yesterday's events. Deciding to be productive, I change and go into my son's room. I stare at the wall of his forget-me-not blue room. His name spelled out in big block letters. M-A-R-K. I go get a box from the garage to put his clothes into. I start to head into the garage as I hear a knock on the door.

    I see two men in cheap suits walk towards me, inside the garage, the door open. They both pull out badges. The tall one speaks first.

     "Hi, I'm Special Agent Wilson and this is my partner Special Agent Holt. We are here to investigate the two murders that happened yesterday."

    My eyes get a bit teary as I glumly say "...yes. My son and husband. Come in."

    I invite them into my family room. I have two. One on the main floor, the other, in the basement. Where my family was murdered.
    The agents sit down. Opposite of me. "So. Agents. What would you like to know. I told everything to the police yesterday...but for the FBI, I don't mind repeating it. As long as you find whomever did this."

    "Ok, well, Mrs. Collins, we-
   That name... Mrs I couldn't stand thinking about it anymore.

    "Please, call me Daisy."

   "Ok, so. Daisy, we understand that you saw strange marks on both your husband and sons bodies. Can you explain to us what kind of marks?"

    Asked Wilson, with a face full of interest. He looked so cute. Like a puppy. It brought me comfort. It was silent for a moment until I realized I needed to answer.

    "Uh... Oh, yes. I saw both my son and husband, with a handprint. On their legs." 

    I felt my face turning a bit red. I hoped they wouldn't notice. So before they could ask a other question I quickly asked if they wanted some tea. One of them, Agent Wilson, accepting, I quickly rushed into the kitchen to prepare it. Holding my blushing disappears.

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