The Angel in the Trenchcoat

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Ok, so my first two chapters were only 500 words long. I'm going to try and make them at least 1000 now.

   When I get home, I see two men standing around my house. They looked like trouble. Then I noticed something weird about their eyes. They were black. And not just the pupils. The whole eye was black. It freaked me out a bit, but I didn't think much of it. It's probably just that I can't see their eyes very well. Maybe I should get my vision checked.

   I step outside of my truck to go ask them what they want. As I head over to the men. I see the FBI Agents come running in. Holt, holding a guns to their heads, and Wilson telling me to step back and get somewhere safe.

    I immediately want to ask what's going on but I stay quiet and hide behind my truck. I wait for the agents to do something and then a third man appears. Out of nowhere. Wearing a trenchcoat and he was short. -ish. He had blue eyes and dark brownish, black, messy hair.

    He stays behind like me, but it seemed he hadn't noticed me. He was about to go in until the agents killed both men. Then the agents walk toward the stranger and me.

   "Um... What just happened?!" I ask, confused and scared. "Sam. Dean. I- wait, who's that." Says the man pointing to me. I stand there quiet, waiting for them to answer.


   I introduce myself.
"Hi, my name is Daisy Collins." I say calmly. "My husband and son were murdered yesterday. So I'm doing good, and how are you?!" I ask sarcastically freaking out a bit. "Woah, calm down." Says Agent Holt. "How can I just... CALM DOWN!! You did kinda just ...well... MURDER TWO MEN!!!" I scream out. I mean, couldn't you have just talked it out?
I stared at them for a bit. Waiting for them to answer. It was silent for a minute of so. Then, I got a response.

   "Well, you see.... They aren't exactly... Human." Said Agent Wilson. "You see, my name is Sam Winchester and this is my brother Dean."

   "What! You mean, your not Special Agents?" I started stepping back slowly. What if they want to kidnap me! What if they're trying to kill me!

   "Wait! We can explain! Just listen. We can explain all o-"
    "Get away from me! You lied to me!" I snap. Stepping back at a faster pace, and just as I turned to run, the man in the trenchcoat grabbed me. "Let go of me!" I say, trying to escape his grip. He was strong, even if he didn't look like it. "Wait! We can explain!" Said Sam. "Cas, let her go! If she doesn't want to listen, she can go. But if you don't want to die, you'll stay and listen." The man who I assumed was 'Cas' let me go. I walk away from them a bit. I stand there. "What do you mean if I don't want to d-die?" I say, wondering.

   "Who.. who are you?" I studder. I don't know what to do, or say. I stand there. Scared. Waiting for a response.

   After what seemed like an eternity, Dean answered me.

    "We're hunters. In the world, there's scary creatures that kill. You know that thing that goes bump in the night?, yeah, we hunt that. So, that way, no one gets hurt but the bad guys. Saving People, Hunting Things. The Family Business. Well hunt who ever is trying to get you. But first we need to find out what it is."

    Ok. I didn't know what to say. I believed them. Strange enough. I didn't know why but I just... trusted them. Like they were familiar. Like I've met them before.

   It was silent for a while. "Ok." I responded. They looked surprised. Like if they expected me to have done something else. "Ok? Just, Ok .Your just going to believe us? Most people think we're insane. Your just going to believe us?" Finally, said Dean. They all look at me again. Waiting for a response I assume.

    "Well, yeah! I don't know why, but I just.... I just trust you! Anyways, let's get to it, why don't we!" I say a bit more peppy and energetic than before.
"Ok, so I'll search the town for any suspicious activity or people, you keep an eye out here." Cas said, in his rough yet sweet voice. He's pretty good looking. I thought to myself as I hear some wings flap and soon enough, Cas disappeared.

   "Wait! Where did Cas go? What just happened?" I ask, worried that I might black out any moment now. "Oh, right." Says Dean. " We forgot to mention, our buddy Cass is an ang-" before Dean could finish his sentence, I hear a 'whoosh' noise and turn to see Cas, standing in front of me. Like he hadn't moved. "Cas here is an angel of the Lord."

   "Hi, I'm Castiel, an Angel of the Lord", he says, holding his hand out towards me. "Yeah, thanks for the introduction.... Even if it's a little late." I say, shaking his small hand. It was soft and warm. It was comforting. I threw Castiel a sheepish smile as I brushed my bangs back and looked back towards Sam and Dean.

    "So, what am I going to do?!" I ask. Wondering what awesome adventure awaits me. "Oh no, your not going to be out there. Did you really think we would let you out on the battle field? You would be killed!" Says Dean

   "Wait, so what am I going to do? Stay home alone? Don't you think someone will come back for me? I want to help too! It was my family after all!" I tell them slightly leaning in. I really do want to help. My family is dead because of this... thing and I'm not very happy about that. I really hope I can help.... Some how."

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