Alone With an Angel Watching Porn

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   "Cass, what are you watching" I say as I click Family Guy, on Netflix. "Casa Erotica it appears." He replies. His head was slightly tilted as he leaned in closer to see what was going on. "I still don't understand." He says.

"Ya don't understand what!" I ask, watching Family Guy. "I don't understand why the pizza man slaps her rear. What has she done wrong? And why the pizza man kisses her and gropes her rear?" I shake my head.

The moaning gets louder. "Cass, please stop watching porn. If your going to watch it, watch it somewhere else." I say. Trying to ignore the noises coming from the TV.

Cass starts to look down at his crotch.

"Okay!" I say, as I pause Family Guy. "And now you have a boner. Let's turn that off, why don't we." I say as I grab the controll and turn off the TV. I start to go back to the bed where I was sitting.

"What's happening to my vessel? This happened last time too. What's happening?" Says Cass as he looks over at me. "Ok, um... Do you know how puberty works, Cass?" I ask, hoping I don't have to explain that to an angel.


Great. Now I have to explain that to him. Just great.

*Time skip to after The Talk *

"Ok, now do you understand?" I ask. Hoping I don't have to explain it once more.

"Yes. I think I do" he says. I sigh in relief. Thank God!

I sit back down onto the bed with Sam's laptop and start to watch Family Guy. Cass walks over.

"Can I watch with you?" He asks me. "Uh, yeah, sure." I say, as he sits down next to me.

As the episode goes on, I have to keep pausing and playing to explain things to Cass so I decide to just draw instead.

I get a piece of paper and a pencil. I start to draw four figures. Not sure what I'm even going to draw, I start.

"What are you drawing?" I hear Cass say as he stands behind me and looking at the paper I'm drawing on. " Not sure yet" I answer. I start to draw details on the tallest one. It starts to look like Sam. I finish the first figure and move onto the next

It was a shorter figure. The finished product looked like Dean. The next figure was a female. She looked like me, and the last figure was the shortest. It looked like Cass. I realized that I had drawn us. The little group. I never really know what I'm going to draw. It's usually just where my hand takes the pencil. I leave the finished product there.

"That's very beautiful." I hear Castiel pick up the paper. I turn to see him looking at the paper then looking up at me and smiling. "Thanks" I say. I was sitting on the bed. I lay down. "I want to see the stars." I say.

It was getting late, so you could see the stars outside. "I'm going to star gaze outside. Wanna come?" I ask Castiel.

"Sure. Bring your gun and holy water just in case though." He says. "I don't want Dean getting mad. Or Sam."

I grab my things and we was outside. We lay down and look up at the sky.

"Woah, it's so beautiful" I say. Castiel turns and looks at me and smiles. I turn and look at him and smile back.

I stare into his eyes. A bright blue color. Like staring into the sky, on a sunny day in spring.

"Your eyes are so beautiful..." I say to Cass. He starts to lean in. I also lean in. He grabs my arms and locks his lips with mine and gives a passionate kiss. His lips, soft. He breaks away, and looks at the ground. "I'm sorry. I couldn't help myself. You looked so beautiful. I couldn't resist."

I just stare at him.

He starts to turn red.

"I understand if you no longer want to talk to me or be friends." He says. His voice. Soft, with a hint of sadness.

I feel my face turn red.

"N-no. It's just... I... No, its Ok. I still want to talk. We can still be friends." I say. Trying to comfort him.

"Really?" He says, looking up.

"Yeah. We can just... Just pretend that never happened." I say.

But I don't want to forget.

I want to kiss him again.

I can't bear to see him like this. I just want him to be happy and smile again. "How about we g-" I'm interupted by a man.

   "Well. Look who we have here. Just who I was looking for!" Says the man.

   As I try to step back, to get away, the stranger starts running towards me. His eyes turning black as he takes his first steps. I immediately know that he's a demon.

   I get my shot gun and shoot him in the heart. He stops.

"Ouch. That hurt. Please stop messing around, would you" he says.

   I look at Castiel. He walks towards the stranger. "Now. If you try and kill me now, Crowley won't be very happy, now will he?" Says the man. Crowley?

   Castiel places his hand on the man and his body starts to glow in a light. I look away.

   A body thumps to the ground.

   Cass looks at me and motions for me to run into the motel. We get in and he starts to place salt lines on all the doors and windows, and I help, knowing it wards off demons.

I look at Cass and place the shotgun on the table. I start to walk towards Cass and sit on the opposite bed.

Castiel looks up at me as I open my mouth, and I ask "Hey Cass, who's Crowley?"

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