Bonding with the Boys

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Dean looks at Sam as he walks out the door. "How did you do that?" He asks. I start to chuckle, trying not to laugh to hard. I love getting on people's nerves. Sam looks confused and asks "Do what?" I start to think about the situation I'm in. I'm sitting next to an angel in a beautiful, '67 Chevy Impala. My dream car. Don't get me wrong. I love my pick up, but the Impala was such a beautiful car. I look at Cas, then turn back to look at Sam and Dean. "She didn't want to sit in the back! I'm telling you!" I hear Dean say.

"Really? She didn't seem to care with me!" Sam would reply. They finished their little discussion and got into the car.

"Alright then let's get baby on the road. Where's the shop?" Asks Dean. I give him my phone, I put the GPS on it for the tattoo shop. The shop was about 30 minutes away. Dean turns on some music. One of my favorites comes on. Ramble On, by Led Zeppelin. I sing along with the song.

"You like this song?" Dean asks, looking back at me. "Yeah! One of my favorites, actually." I say, I was looking out the window, but turn to Dean to respond. "This is one of my favorites too! Tied with Traveling Roadside Blues." Says Dean. "That song is amazing!" I say, smiling.

Maybe Dean is starting to like me. It didn't seem like he liked me much before.

I stare out the window again.

"So, any one else wanna get a tattoo with me? My treat!" I say, looking back to see if anyone wants to. "Well, I suppose it wouldn't hurt." I hear Dean say, looking back and smiling.

"But you have to get the same one, and I choose. Ok?" He says, smirking.

"Depends. What are your thinking of getting?" I ask. Rolling my eyes, as I turn to see Sam looking and smiling.

"What, Sammy. Got a problem?" I say. Smiling back at him.

"No, just... It looks like Dean might have a crush. Unusual for him. He usually just hooks up and leaves town on another case.... Well, except for-"

Dean interups Sam with "What kind of music do you like?" and mutters something that sounded like "It's none of her business" I feel like I just stepped into a red zone. I shouldn't interfere with his problems. "Um... Rock. I like, pretty much rock."

A few minutes pass. We're almost to the shop. I decide it's ok to ask Dean about the tattoo now.

"So Dean, what tattoo are you thinking of?" I ask. Hoping it's not too soon.

"Oh." He smiled, and looked back at me. "It's a surprise." He said, and looked back to the road. "So, not even a hint? Or at least where I have to get it?" I said. Probably sounding a bit desperate. "Nope" he said. I saw a smile rise on Dean's face. I rolled my eyes. We were nearly there.

We arrive at the tattoo shop.

We enter and are greeting by Daniel the famous tattoo artist who strangely lives in this town which that we live in for the reason we live here. *This was written for the reason that my cousin wrote this by the reasons that he did this this was also written by me the cousin* (You'll know what he wrote because it will be in bold.)

We walk towards Daniel. "So! What will it be today Daisy?" He says, knowing me from my other tattoos which I also got here. I have no idea how he still remembered my name but he does. "Well, I'm hoping that you can replicate the tattoo that these boys have, and put it on me?" I say, looking behind me towards Sam and Dean.

"Sure! Let me take a look at theirs and come over here!" He says, always so happy.

We follow him as he leads us to a chair, where I'm getting my tattoo done. He takes a look at their tattoos. He replicates the tattoo onto my body perfectly, it hurt. I had gotten used to it. The tattoo looked so cool.

"Thanks Daniel!" I say getting up to look at my new tattoo in the mirror. It was surrounded by red skin but looked fine. It was normal to get red skin around a new tattoo. Dean was talking to Daniel. Probably telling him what tattoo he wanted to put on me. He gets out his phone. It looks like he's showing him something. I walk back towards them.

"So where is this mystery tattoo going to be Dean?" I ask, placing my hands onto my hips and looking at him. Dean replies with a small smile. "Does you upper back work?" He asks me. "Fine by me. As long as it's not a dildo or something. And you have to get the tattoo before me." I say, making sure that he doesn't try to trick me.

"Alright, but no sneak peeks" he says, taking his shirt off.

I bite my lip.

He has a six pack, and big muscles. Such a beautiful body. I feel my face turning bright red. I look at Cas. He's also turning red. He gets to hide it. I chuckle a bit, as I walk over to him.

"So, you like Dean?" I ask him.

"W-what? No.. what." He says. He's so adorable when he's nervous. "Yeah, and that's why your not looking at him right now, with your face bright red, huh." I say, crossing my arms and looking in the direction where Cas was looking. "Cas, don't worry. Your an amazing per- angel. I'm sure he likes you back!" I say, placing my hand on his shoulder and smiling at him.

He was still looking at the ground. He slowly turned his head up.

"You really think so?"

"Yeah! Your awesome! Anyone would love to be with you." I say.

He hugs me and replies.

"Thanks, I just... I get nervous."

"I-its Ok." I say, surprised by the hug, yet accepting it and hugging back.

Okay. . . .sorry u non destiel shippers. But, um, DESTTIIELLLL!!!

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