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After the 9th Nova Clash, Pandora and stigma experts started scrambling; searching desperately for some way to raise the rate of success in combating the Nova. The losses suffered in the 8th and 9th clashes weighed heavily upon the shoulders of all entrusted with the safety of the world's populace, and most especially the Pandora themselves. There has to be a solution. We can't just keep sending these girls to their deaths.

They searched and studied until, finally, they found a possible solution - a breakthrough. An experiment, like so many previously attempted, initially expected to fail miserably, yielded fascinating and extraordinary results.

A young man named Kazuya Aoi was discovered to have an incredibly high concentration of stigmata in his body. The several experiments that followed revealed that this abnormality allowed him to override the previous theory that Limiters could only cancel out and cast Freezing areas after initiating an Ereinbar Set with a Pandora. Not only did this conflict with previous knowledge about prerequisites regarding Limiters, but it also granted Mr. Aoi's Freezing area enough strength to even overpower Pandora Mode. Such strength could quite effectively overpower the Nova. These amazing discoveries begged the question. Could this be the solution? Could there be others like him?

Many authorities were willing to go to great lengths to find such a solution. It was made law in many countries that all young men, in addition to young women, undergo testing in hopes of finding similarly high concentrations of internal stigmata, or at least similar stigma compatibility.

The results proved to be even more positive than they had hoped. As it happened, there were many young men like Mr. Aoi, who would have otherwise gone undiscovered. These boys were found to be able to cancel out and cast Freezing areas without any need for an Ereinbar Set; those Freezing areas proved to be very powerful. This exemplary group of Limiters was officially labelled Class-2, or "Acceptive" Limiters due to their highly receptive stigma compatibility.

In addition, it was found that an even more powerful group of Limiters existed. These young men could not only cast Freezing areas without a prerequisite Ereinbar Set, but also proved capable of generating Volt Weapons and Volt Textures, as well as employing other skills common among Pandora. In other words, this group of Limiters could be considered the first formal group of male Pandora. THIS was the breakthrough the world had been hoping for. This group of Limiters was labelled Class-3 or "Acceptive-Plus". Eventually, though, the group was nicknamed "Ace"-class.

The discovery, study, and integration of these new classes all took place within one year following the 9th Nova Clash.

The very next school year, the first classes of these new Limiters would be arriving to start their training at West Genetics Academy.


(F/n) remembered his initial compatibility test like it was yesterday. The law requiring all boys to test for stigma compatibility was ratified in his home country on the day of his 15th birthday. Less than a month later, he was seated in an improvised examination room at the local community center with a doctor and one nurse.

The test was simple; a single injection of chemicals that would stimulate whatever stigmata was present in his body. If he got sick, he wasn't compatible. If nothing happened, he could start training as a Limiter. No one really knew what to expect from the two upper classes.

(F/n) felt the slight pinch as the needle invaded his flesh, then it was over. All those in the room could do now was watch and wait.

The allotted 20 minutes came and went without incident. "How do you feel?" the doctor asked.

"I feel fine," (F/n) answered. "Just fine."

The doctor nodded his head approvingly. "Great!" he said encouragingly. "Looks like you're compatible with the stigmata, so all that's left to do is figure out if you want to train or not."

"I think I'm gonna pass on that!" (F/n) said with a laugh.

"I honestly don't bla-... WHAT THE..?!" The doctor was cut off by the sudden glow emanating from (F/n)'s body.

(F/n) felt a rush shoot up his arm and into his chest and head. His entire body tensed at the strange, almost indecent, sensation that swept over him. The bright white-blue light shined off of him and filled the room blindingly.

After mere seconds, the phenomenon passed, just as suddenly as it had manifested. (F/n) stared at his hands in shock as the nurse and doctor exchanged wary, questioning glances.

As the reality of what just happened began to set in, (F/n)'s heart sank. His option to decline was gone. There was no way he could simply be labeled "compatible" now. He was now bound by law to join the fight against the Nova.

The doctor noticed his disappointment and laid a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder. "I'm sorry young man," he said sincerely. "I'm going to have to report this."

"Don't worry about me," (F/n) responded with a brave smile. "You just do what you have to."

The doctor then turned to the nurse holding a clipboard. "Please mark Mr. (L/n) down as Class-3."

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