Chapter 7

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The alarm was near deafening.

"Warning: Nova appearance detected! Warning: Nova appearance detected!"

As I was being carted to the infirmary, my eyes wandered around, surveying the commotion that had broken out all across campus. Pandora, Limiters, and staff ran around in every direction. Some barked orders; others rushed to carry them out.

There was certainly order in the chaos, but the chaos itself had something else driving it, something that I saw in the eyes of every person I observed. Fear.

It was written all over every face. It was present in every voice. I could see it in every step someone took. Fear, anxiety, and desperation - the very foundation of chaos.

I saw it all, and as far as I was concerned, it was just as I'd predicted. In my mind, one thing alone could rise above this chaos. Unity. If everyone could truly trust and rely on each other, there would be no need for panic or fear because the Nova would never be able to touch us.

These thoughts rolled through my head for nearly an hour as Dr. Schmitz and her medics worked to patch me and the other competitors up.

After all that, I found myself sitting up in bed in the recovery room. Simeon and Louis were in their beds on either side of mine. Satellizer, Freddie and Hiro, and the rest of our partner Pandora were seated nearby.

I gave no mind to our part in the situation. It was bad to say the least, but the four Nova, Type-S that had appeared were attacking East Genetics. They were nowhere near us. The active Chevalier and our fourth-year Pandora had already been deployed to assist.

I never thought we would actually get dragged into the fight.

Before I knew it, orders had changed. The Nova had captured several Pandora from East Genetics then vanished, only to reappear here at West Genetics.

With only a handful more experienced than third-year Pandora, the entire student body was put on high alert.

Our remaining fourth-years were deployed to counter-attack. The third-years were stationed to protect the walls. Second-years and their Limiters were put on standby.

The whole student body was issued orders except, of course, for those who had just competed in the Carnival.

No Ace among the top 5 was cleared for combat. Needless to say, we were all beyond pissed off. Our comrades were all out there fighting for their lives. Satellizer and the rest of our partners were on standby with the other second-years, but my team and I were locked up in the medical center.

What were we expected to do? Just sit there and tend to our wounds as our friends and comrades got hurt or died? What kind of leaders would we be if we were to just kick back and do nothing?

Soon, we started to hear the explosions. Alarms were going off everywhere. Orders were being given frantically over the intercoms.

The Ace of Spades: Satellizer el Bridget x Male ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now