Baby Drama - Narry Mpreg

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Niall’s POV

“Dad what’s for dinner?” Louis asked wandering downstairs, yawning.

“I don’t know Lou. I think your dad is picking something up tonight on his way home.” I answered typing away at the computer. I had to finish the kid’s school reports before Monday. I work at the local high school, teaching P.E while Harry works at a law firm, he’s a very good lawyer.

“When’s that? I’m starving.” He groaned.

“Louis you’re 16, make something if you’re hungry.” I sighed.

“But you and dad are my parents and should make dinner.” He retorted.

“Shut up. Where’s your brother? I thought he was home.” I asked.

“He’s in his room. Apparently the book he’s reading is way more important than playing Xbox with me.” He scoffed. “He’s such a nerd.”

“Zayn isn’t a nerd Lou. He just likes to read.” I said seriously. Harry and I have been together for years now and we have three kids; Louis who is 16, Zayn who is 14 and Liam who is 6. There is a big age gap between Zayn and Liam but they are very close and love each other very much. I can’t say the same for him and Louis though. They fight all the time and are polar opposites. We found out that Harry could have kids by accident. He was sick for ages before finally agreeing to see a doctor. When she told us the he was pregnant I couldn’t believe it. We always wanted to have kids but this was just perfect.

“He acts like a nerd.” He mumbled.

“Daddy when is Daddy Haz coming home?” Liam asked running over to me.

“He’ll be home soon buddy, don’t worry.” I smiled kissing his little head.

“Lou play trains with me?” He asked again holding his train out for Louis to take.

“Not now Li.” He sighed.

“Please Lou!” He pleaded.

“Louis be nice and play with your brother. You’re always playing that stupid video game.” I snapped.

“Fine. C’mon.” He groaned letting Liam lead him to his playroom.

“YAY!” Liam squealed happily. I continued to type away at the stupid reports I needed to finish. I was so engrossed that I never noticed Harry was home until he wrapped his arms around my neck.

“Are you still working on those babe?” He asked kissing the back of my neck.

“I have to get them done Haz. How was your day?” I asked watching him put the bags of food he brought on the kitchen bench.

“Yeah ok. I have a pretty big case coming up so I was stuck doing paperwork and interviews. How was your day?” He asked back.

“Yeah about the same as yours. There was a fight at school and I had to fill in some papers. Nothing too adventurous.” I chuckled. “So, what’s for dinner?” I asked walking over to peer over his shoulder.

“I got Nandos for us and Zayn, burgers for Louis and then some chips and nuggets for Liam.” He answered pulling everything out.

“Thank god! Louis has been driving me nuts all afternoon for dinner.” I laughed.

“Typical teenager and I know now he gets is appetite from you.” Harry chuckled. “Kids, dinner!” He yelled moving to the bottom of the stairs.

“Daddy Haz!” Liam yelled running over to him. “I miss you!” He smiled hugging him tightly.

“Oh I missed you too baby!” Harry smiled back picking him up.

“About time food got here!” Louis said running to grab his burgers. “I was starving and Dad wouldn’t feed me.”

“I told you to get your own if you were hungry.” I chuckled.

“Hi Dad. How was your day today?” Zayn asked calmly, coming down with his book tucked under his arm.

“Great son. How was your day? Did you hand in your assignment?” He asked back.

“Yep.” He smiled.

“Here you are.” I smiled too handing him his plate.

“Thanks Dad.” He said taking it and sitting down. We sorted out everything else and we all sat down to eat, mind you Louis was already halfway through his second burger.

“Hey Dad?” Louis spoke up.

“Yes.” Harry and I said in unison.

“Are you guys going to have another baby?” He asked.

“What makes you ask that Lou?” Harry asked back.

“Because Zayn and I heard you guys talking about it last night. So are you?”

“We haven’t decided yet buddy. I hope so.” I smiled at Harry.

“I think we will.” He smiled back grabbing my hand.

“Another baby?” Liam asked dipping his nugget into some sauce.

“Yeah Li, another baby.” Harry said kissing his head making him smile. I love our family as it is but I also can’t wait to add another baby to it.

Harry’s POV

“Night Dad.” Louis waved walking upstairs to his room.

“Night Lou, see you tomorrow.” I smiled as he walked upstairs. All the kids were now in bed and I was glad, I was looking forward to heading there myself.

“Hey babe, can you come here for a second?” Niall called.

“Sure Ni.” I called back and wandered upstairs. “What are you doing?” I laughed seeing him sprawled out on the bed shirtless, only in his boxers.

“I’m waiting for you silly. Tonight we’re going to make our baby.” He smiled.

“Tonight?” I questioned.

“Yep, c’mon.” He smiled again. I went over as he kneeled on the bed. “I wanted to make this romantic but I thought how romantic can you be with 3 kids in the house so I just went with me.” He joked.

“Oh you’re very romantic, and sexy.” I winked. “Where have you been hiding those abs? Have you been working out?” I asked.

“Just for you.” He smirked kissing me sweetly. I pushed him back on the bed before straddling his waist.

“Well I like it. Every. One. Of. Them.” I smiled in-between kissing each ab.

“I love your abs.” He smirked unbuttoning my shirt and tossing it aside. “They. Are. Perfection.” He said doing the same as I did. Suddenly he flipped us over so he was on top of me. “I’m in charge tonight.” He growled kissing me hungrily. My hands roamed up and down his torso before settling in his hair. I started grinding my hips against his as he unbuckled my belt and slipped it off. I moaned as he sucked on my neck and left little bite marks. He shimmied down my pants before removing them too. “You ready?” He asked pulling down my boxers. I nodded as he lined up, getting ready.

*seriously sorry guys but this is only the epilogue and I am not the best smut writer so this is all you’re going to get for now. There will be more in the chapters to come though! <3 – Jess x*

Baby Drama - Narry MpregWhere stories live. Discover now