Chapter Three - Pregnant?

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Harry’s POV

“Do you think it’s really positive?” I asked Niall as we sat staring at the pregnancy test I just took. It had been 3 weeks since our date night and it’s the first test I’ve took. I was too nervous to do it before.

“Well it says positive.” He shrugged. He’s right. There was a plus sign but I didn’t want it to be a one off. They do happen sometimes. “Maybe you should take the other one in the box?” He suggested.

“Good idea.” I nodded getting up. I went back to the bathroom and took the second test before coming back out.

“Why is this always so tense?” He chuckled trying to lighten the mood.

“Because our whole baby dreams are riding on this one test.” I answered.

“We could always go to the doctor Haz. They can tell us for real.”

“Maybe we should. I don’t want it to be fake.” I sighed.

“I’ll make an appointment while the kids are at school.” He smiled getting up to grab the phone. I got my phone out and checked my emails and stuff while waiting for the second test to be ready. After 5 minutes Niall returned and I checked the test.

“Second positive.” I sighed. I was starting to come around a bit. Maybe I was actually pregnant.

“Don’t look so glum babe. This is a good thing. You’re pregnant.” Niall smiled hugging me.

“Don’t get too excited Niall. You know what happened last time.” I sighed getting up. When we tried for Liam I had 4 false positive tests, it was heartbreaking.

“I know Haz, but maybe this time it’s different. Maybe you’re pregnant. With our baby, our beautiful baby.” He smiled pulling my waist towards him. “And I’ll love that baby no matter what.”

“Niall. I might not even be pregnant. There might not even be a baby.”

“Why are you so negative? I thought you wanted this?” He asked getting up. “I thought we both wanted the same thing.”

“I do want this Nialler, I just don’t want it to be false. Let’s just wait until we see the doctor ok? I don’t want to get our hopes up and have them come crashing down.” I sighed.

“Ok love, but you need to be more positive in the future. Be happy. Do I need to start singing the song again?” He smirked.

“NO! That song drives me crazy!” I said seriously.

“Well be more happy babe.” He chuckled. “Anyway I called the doctor and she said to just come in whenever we’re ready. Are you ready?” He asked.

“Yeah.” I nodded. He smiled and took my hand, pulling me towards the door. We put our shoes on and coats before heading down to the car.

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