Chapter Seven - Family

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Niall’s POV

“Dad we’ve been here for ages! When can we go home?” Louis whined at me as he followed me around the mall.

“Louis we’ve been here for half an hour. I have things to do.” I answered looking for the shop I needed to go to.

“Then why am I here? You could have left me at home.” He asked.

“Because your Dad told me to bring you with me. I don’t know. Just be quiet or you won’t get those shoes you wanted for your birthday.” I said seriously.

“Hey, that’s not fair! You said I could have them!”

“Well be quiet or you won’t get them.”

“Whatever.” He muttered and stalked off. I shook my head as I finally found the baby furniture store I was looking for. I smiled to myself before going inside. Everything in there was so cute and small. It’s been ages since we had to buy something like this.

“Hello there. You need any help today?” A woman smiled coming over to me. She seemed sweet enough.

“Hi, um yes I think so.” I answered.

“Is it your first time buying baby furniture?” She questioned.

“No, but it’s been a while since I have.” I chuckled. “I may need a bit of help.”

“No worries. Now, do you have any leftover things you can use?” She asked leading me down a row of cribs.

“No, it was about 6 years ago.” I answered.

“That’s fine. So you’re going to need a crib, drawers, change table…” She started rambling on about all the stuff we needed as I made a mental note.

“Is that everything?” I questioned after 5 minutes of waiting for her to stop talking.

“Yes. Would you like to have a look around?” She asked back. I nodded and wandered off around the shop, checking out a few things.

“Dad!” Louis whined, finding me.

“Yes Louis?” I sighed.

“Can we go yet? I’m starving.” He groaned.

“No, we can’t go yet. We need to buy a crib, drawers, change table and cupboard before we go. Your Dad was very specific.” I answered.

“What?! That’s going to take forever!”

“Not if you help me it won’t.” I said seriously. I was going to rope him into helping me so I could get out of here quicker!

Harry’s POV

“Daddy!” Liam smiled running out of his classroom and hugging my legs tightly.

“Hey buddy. Did you have a good day?” I asked, kneeling down and hugging him properly.

“Yep! I made a picture.” He smiled again as I took his backpack and he grabbed my hand.

“Wow! Can I see it when we get home?” I questioned as we walked out towards the car.

“Yeah.” He nodded. I smiled and we swung arms, making him giggle.

“Daddy?” Liam said quietly as I buckled him into the car.

“Yeah love?”

“Does the baby love us?” He asked, staring at my stomach.

“Of course she does Li. Why do you ask?” I questioned.

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