Chapter Six - Starting Over

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Niall's POV

“Wake up sleepyhead.” Someone whispered closely to my ear. I knew it was Harry. I heard him get up three times already. I just wanted to keep him waiting. “I made you breakfast.”

“Hmm.” I mumbled.

“C’mon Ni. It’s your birthday. I want to celebrate with you.” I smiled and opened my eyes as he straddled my waist. “Good morning.” He smiled back leaning down to kiss me sweetly.

“Morning love.” I smiled again. “If that’s what I’m going to wake up to on my birthday I want it to be every day.” I chuckled. He was shirtless and only in his boxers.

“Well if you’re lucky you might just get what you wish for.” He smiled kissing my neck.

“I heard you get up this morning, you ok?” I asked as he pulled away. He nodded looking down at his hands. “Hey, it’s ok if you’re not.” I said lifting his chin up to meet his eyes.

“I was just sick, I’m fine.” He mumbled with a small shrug.

“Just sick? Babe being sick isn’t good. Was it as bad as last time?” I questioned as he got off my lap and lied beside me.

“Not really. I think I was empty from before.” He answered quietly.

“You should be over that stage soon though right? The doctor said 12 weeks.” I asked.

“Yeah, 2 more weeks of hell!” He groaned.

“It’s worth it though right.” I laughed. He chuckled and nodded, rubbing his slightly rounded stomach.

“We’re going to have another baby.” He smiled. Harry and I started trying for another baby a few months after the miscarriage. It felt like it was the right time and we both wanted to try again. Now Harry’s 10 weeks pregnant and we still haven’t told the boys yet, just in case.

“I can’t wait.” I smiled back snuggling into him.

“Me either. Do you think we should tell the boys soon?” He asked wrapping his arms around me.

“Maybe after the 12 week scan yeah? We don’t want to tell them too early. I think that’s what we shouldn’t have done last time.” I answered.

“Yeah me too. We’ll wait, just until we know that everything’s good and we’re in the clear.” He nodded agreeing with me. “Oh and Happy Birthday.” He smirked kissing me.

“Thanks babe. I’m glad I’m spending my day with you.” I smiled.

“And the boys, mum’s bringing them over later.” Harry said sitting up a bit.

“Ooh good. I get presents.” I laughed making him slap me.

“Niall! I have a present for you too!”

“Oh do you? What is it?” I asked excitedly.

“You’ll have to wait until later. But for now breakfast is getting cold, c’mon.” He smiled pulling me up and out of the bed. I let him lead me down to the kitchen where he had almost every food imaginable on the table. “Surprise!” He shouted happily.

“Shit Haz did you buy the whole shop or what?!” I laughed amazed at all the food.

“I knew you were going to be hungry so I brought all the stuff I could find.” He blushed.

“Aw Haz that’s cute.” I smiled, taking a seat at the table. I grabbed some stuff before digging in. “Are you having some babe?” I asked as he sat there staring at the food.

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