Chapter Five - Gone

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Harry’s POV

The day after I lost the baby the doctors allowed me to go home, which I was glad about. I just don’t know if I’ll be able to face Niall or the kids. I know Liam’s going to take it the hardest, he was really excited about the baby. Mum picked me up from the hospital and took me back to her place. When we got there I realised Niall’s car was gone, where has he gone?

“Where’s Niall?” I asked as she helped me inside.

“Niall decided to go home.” She answered quietly.

“Oh.” Was all I could say. I thought he would at least want to talk to me about what happened yesterday.

“He took Liam with him too.”

“Liam? Why?” I asked.

“I don’t know. Apparently he’s going to Ireland and wanted to take him with him. The boys are out playing football, I think they’re actually getting along.” She smiled softly.

“I’m sorry I lost the baby mum, I know you were excited.” I sniffled.

“Hey baby you don’t have to be sorry. These things happen.” She sighed hugging me. “You couldn’t have known.”

“I really wanted that baby. I thought everything would go well and be ok but it wasn’t. I feel so empty.” I sobbed into her shoulder.

“I know honey, I know it’s hard.” She soothed rubbing my back. “Let it out.”

“I knew Niall would be angry with me. I should have told him earlier.”

“You told him about the other baby?” She questioned as I pulled away. I nodded and wiped my eyes. “He didn’t mention it when he came back yesterday. He just said he needed some time to grieve and then took Liam.”

“He yelled at me. He made me feel like I was a terrible person and everything was my fault. I already was upset as it is and he made it worse! And now he’s gone and taken Liam without even telling me?! I don’t know what to do anymore mum.” I sighed. Suddenly the boys came in, noticing we were home.

“Dad?” Louis said softly. I turned around and smiled softly at them.

“Hey boys.”

“We’re so sorry about the baby. If it wasn’t for us fighting all the time you wouldn’t have got stressed and maybe it wouldn’t have happened.” Zayn sniffled.

“We didn’t know it would hurt the baby.” Louis whimpered.

“Boys no. It wasn’t your fault.” I sighed pulling them both into me. “Don’t blame yourselves.”


“No stop ok? It’s no one’s fault, sometimes these things just happen and we can’t stop them.” I said seriously.

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