Chapter One - Baby Blues

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Niall’s POV

“How’d it go babe? Was it positive?” I asked Harry as he came downstairs. He was going to take a pregnancy test, it’s the third one this month. He shook his head as he sat at the table, looking deflated. “That’s ok. We’ve only been trying for a month babe. There’s no need to stress.” I said rubbing his back.

“But last time it only took two weeks to get pregnant with Liam.” He sighed loudly.

“But that was six years ago Haz. You’ve changed at lot since then.” I chuckled.

“Yeah I’m too old!” He groaned.

“No you aren’t love. It might just take a bit longer for everything to work out that’s all.” I soothed. “You know we could always try again now?” I suggested.

“I’m not in the mood.” He huffed. “I’m going for a walk. Can you go get the kids today?” He asked getting up and putting on his huge Winter trench coat.

“Sure. Is there anything special you want for dinner?” I asked back.

“Maybe some soup. It’s cold out after all.” He laughed quietly.

“Ok. I’ll pick up the stuff on my way home. Don’t wander too far and get too cold ok?” I said seriously.

“I won’t.” He chuckled. “Love you.” He smiled kissing me.

“Love you too Haz.” I smiled back as he walked out. I sighed loudly before going to get changed into some warmer clothes. I know Harry feels bad about not being pregnant but it’s not his fault. We have only been trying for about a month and there’s nothing to say anything is wrong. We’ll get there soon and then he’ll be back to being hungry, grumpy and bitchy pregnant Harry, who I still love with all my heart, don’t worry. I changed into one of his oversized sweaters and some jeans before leaving to get the kids from school. I drove to the high school first and then to Liam’s primary school.

“How did it go Dad? Did he take a test?” Louis asked curiously, getting in the front.

“It was negative.” I answered quietly.

“Again? How many is that, three?” Zayn asked.

“Guys I would appreciate it if you didn’t mention it around your father. He’s a bit upset ok?” I said seriously.

“Sure thing Dad.” Louis smiled softly. “Are you ok though?” He asked.

“Yeah. I’m fine.” I smiled back, even though I was a bit disappointed but it wasn’t Harry’s fault. “Did you have a god day at school Li?” I asked looking in the revision mirror.

“Uh huh. I made a picture.” He smiled proudly holding up a piece of paper. I could just make out some people and a house. It must be us, he draws that every time. He’s so adorable.

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