Luhan fanfiction (EXO)

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"Wake up! Min nyu come on today's the big day!"
"Uhhhhh.oma I don't want to go.."
"Oh yes you will I do not want my daughter to waste a perfectly good education if not I guess you'll just have to take over my noodle shop!"
"Araso araso in moving can I at least have some lunch money?"
Well today is my first day of school at Park Shin high no I have never gone to this school I am a new student.. And what makes it worse is that this school is full of snobby rich kids. Everyone in this school is accepted only if their siblings or parents own some type of big company or something the directors of the school really only care about money.. We'll I'm guessing you want to know how ingot in..nope I don't have any siblings that have gone to this school and as you already know my mom is the owner of a noodle shop not a big company so how did I get in you make ask..well one day the directors husband came in to our noodles shop and choked on some beef. Luckily I had been able to knock the winds out of him to get him to stop choking and after I saved him he offered me to go to this school. Oh well I really don't want to go but as my mom said it's either me going to school or me taking over her restraunt I don't know about you but school seems like a better choice for me.. Even though I don't like the ideay best friend is going to this school he was smart enough to get in at least his name is ma tae.
I got dressed in my new uniform for my new school and ate some breakfast..
I answered my phone I saw it was ma tae
"Anyeong? What's up ma tae?"
" just calling to tell you that I'm almost to you're house so we can start walking to school okay?"
" yeah sure I'll be waiting bye"
I waited a couple minutes and am tae knocked on the door . I walked to school with him. After like 15 minutes of walking I knew we had arrived because I have never seen a school that was as big as a mall. I started walking up the stair with ma tae to the entrance of the school when suddenly a group of people said something to me.
" what is a commoner doing here? How so gross"
"Hahha yeah what is someone like her doing here she is making me get sick"
"Yah mabey shes the new janitor"
Wow I haven't even been in the school yet and people already hate me.... Just like I said everybody here are total jerks. I wonder if this day can get any better.

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