Luhan fanfction(EXO)pt7

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I walked to school with ma tae we really didn't talk on our wot to school it was really awkward to even say hi...

We started to walk forwards the door and ma tae grabbed my hand I was so surprised I didn't know what to do but he just looked at me and smiled. We walked into our first period and luhan was already there what was he doing here already but he is never here this early.. I looked away from luhan and looked at ma tae he gave me a kiss. A kiss!! Infront of luhan what the heck is he doing this on purpose?!

Luhan got up and walked right to me he gave me the serious look I had ever seen on his face before.

"Huh? So was everything we had a joke to you do you just move on to the next person when you're bored ? I trusted you but I didn't think THIS is what you would trash me for forget it your not even worth it"

"Oppa!! Luhan !!! It's not like that I --"

" what are you talking about just the way he looks at you sickens me he kissed you does a kiss mean nothing I you..? Well obviously mine never did! And never call me that again that name Oppa tha name is only for the ones I love to use!!"

I broke down did he really mean that?? Does he not feel anything for me anymore? I turned to ma tae.

" are you kidding me min nyu I didn't know you kissed him!! I thought you just had a little crush on him I didn't think it was that serious!!"

Great now the two most important people were mad at me ..

"Sorry Oppa what happened with you was just so sudden I didn't know how to act.."

"Min nyu I think it's best if we just keep our distance right now.. I'm not really in a mood to see you anymore I'm sorry but I think it's for the best"

I looked at ma tae Oppa he looked like he was going to die any moment I rennet how he told me that he like me for years and now he doesn't want to see

Me ... This isn't what I wanted to happen.. School was over I went to go to where ma tae always wait for me after school but he wasn't their.. Aish what did I do??


I haven't seen luhan or ma tae Oppa in days I feel so terrible... I went to go sit in my seat and mr. Kim bong walked infront of the room and started talking about another assignment ..

"Ok class the is a project the the whole school is required to do we have to pick up trash in the public beach and this is part of a grade I will tell to who your partners are"

All of a sudden luhan came in he sat in his seat next to me. He didn't even bother to look at me or even say hi. Did he really mean what he said to me?

"Ok students here are your partners ma tae and sulli

Park jee with yuho

Luhan with min nyu..."

The teacher was cut off by luhan

" sorry teacher but I don't believe in working on a project with commoners they are worthless and cat be trusted"

His word pierced right through my heart what is he saying!

"Luhan do not speak so informally to me and how can you talk to you classmate that way?"

"Sorry teacher what words come out of my mouth are true it just can't be avoided I believe that she should leave her presence here is giving me a headache!"

I looked at luhan I couldn't believe what he was saying I got my things and ran out the door the teacher called after me but I didn't care I kept runnin as soon as I was along in the hallway i saw the group of girls that hated me right infront of me I tried to keep running but they all grabbed me and pushed me on the floor..

" looks like luhan Oppa finally got his head on straight he finally real aside that commoners like you shouldn't even exist here"

She poured her drink on me they all laughed and walked away. I got up and I ran home. I couldn't stop crying why was luhan Oppa being so rude to me .. I have to forget everything that we ever had.. But how I can't take him out of my heart I love him too much... With ma tae and luhan not here to watch over me I have to find a way to take care of myself I can't love them anymore . What should I do heart? Heart why can't you stop living him??

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