Luham fanfiction(EXO)pt6

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"Uhhh luhan umm why do you keep.calling me you're girl and why do you keep kissing me? There so many other girls who want to be with you."

"Min nyu you're actually the first girl that I've liked all the other girls that you're talking about their nothing compared to you"

I didn't know if I should believe him he was the first person that had ever kissed me and the closer I got to him the more it felt like I was losing gym best friend Aish!! What should I do....

"Sarange min nyu"

I guess his mom left to go work because he grabbed me and just kept hugging me.


Omo who is calling right now?

"Hold on let me go answer my phone it might be my mom"


It was ma tae so I answered I was kinda pissed at him for leaving me in the morning because all of this wouldn't have happened if he was with me...

"Annyeong ???? Ma tae?"

"De umm min nyu can we meet up i just want to hang out we haven't gone out in a while ?"

"Araso ummm is everything ok you seem nervous are you alright?!"

"I'm fine hahah don't worry I just want to hang out "

We said good bye and I got my stuff together and told luhan bye.

I got home and I took a shower and hit dressed I did my hair and some make up only mascara I don't really like the feeling of make up. I met up with ma tae at a coffee shop .

"Annyeong Oppa! Why did you leave me in the morning I was s---"

Oppa cut me off

"Mi nyu I'm so sorry I can't believe this would happen to yo when I left you it's just I got so mad when you told me everything about luhan ! And then when I leave they do this to you what type of friend am I ?"

Mat tae Oppa??? Mad at luhan was he jealous?? No no it can't be we've only been friends for our whole life were like brother and sister....

"Oppa it's ok"

" no it's min nyu and I'm not letting you out of my sight ever you know how worried I was when I heard what happened to you and then hear thAt this guy luhan the one didn't care about you first is the one that took care of you!"

Luhan said the same thing why am I so important why are they both treating me like so weak I'm still here aren't i!

"Yah!!! Oppa!! Why are you acting this way I can take care of myself you know in not helpless "

My eyes were filling with tears I was so angry I was so sick of it first luhan now ma tae... I got up and grabbed my bag and started to leave but ma tae ran after me outside.. It was raining but I didn't care I just kept running ....I'm not helpless I kept telling myself...


No I'm not letting her out of my sight again I've been holding my feeling for years now she has to know I don't want anyone to hurt her anymore


I kept running and then I felt by body become soaking wet with rain

All if sudden I felt hand turn me around and pull me I looked up and saw ma tae I tried to pull away but he just kept hugging me

"Biane I didn't mean to get mad I just ..I'm just madly in love with you and I have been for years now and I can't stand it when you get hurt I've been keeping it in for all this time but I just had to tell you ..sarange min nyu"

"Mat tae?? Uhhh ..."

Ma tae caressed my face I felt feeling I never had felt before for him . He slowly brought his lips with mine I didn't know what to do ..Aish I have feeling for two guys and both are hating each other .

We just stood in the rain and we hugged each other he walked me home and we said goobye he gave me a light kiss on the cheek

So much is happening I'm so little time I touched my lips I couldn't believe what was happening?

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