Chapter 11: Announcing Jatrific on Youtube.

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  • Dedicated to all jatrific shippers

OMG! I haven't written in a while! I rlly don't have any excuse. I just didn't feel like writing.... ANYWAY! don't be a ghost, follow! >:) because like, I get a lot of reads and stuff, but non of y'all follow. and it makes me feel like i shouldn't write.. so follow bishes!


Joey's POV:

That was the scariest dream I have ever had! Just the image of Cat breaking up with me scared me. I know it was just a dream, but it felt so weird. I hope I am not seeing into the future or anything, because that would be bad. 

I brought my hand to my fourhead and felt sweat. That dream scared me so much, I sweat. All of a sudden I got a call from cat.

-Phone Call-

Joey: Hey cat, is everything OK?
Cat: I had a really bad dream!
Joey: What was it?
Cat: You broke up with me and said you never loved me!
Joey: I had the same dream except you broke up with me!
Cat: Woah.. That's so crazy!
Joey: I know. How did we have the same dream?
Cat: Maybe we just have a special connection. (Laughs)
Joey: (Laughs) Maybe.
Cat: Anyway, that dream freaked me out, I just wanted to hear your voice. Sorry if I woke you.
Joey: Oh no, you didn't wake me up, I was already awake.
Cat: OK! Good! Well, I guess I'll just go back to sleep... Goodnight!
Joey: (Laughs) Goodnight.

-End of Phone Call-

I can't believe Cat had the same dream! Crazy! 

-- Cat's POV --

That is so weird how Joey and I had the same dream. That is so weird. I should just get back to sleep. So creepy! Same dream? Maybe we do have some "special connection". Stop thinking about it Cat! Even though it is creepy. I shook my head and layed in bed starring at the cieling. 

I got up from bed and decided to go get some water. I walked to kitchen and got my water and drank it all. Why am still thinking about this dream thing? Maybe us having the same dream was a sign that we aren't meant to be.... UGH! Stop thinking about it cat! I shook my head and went back to bed. This time I instantly fell asleep.

-- The Next Morning --

Joey's POV:

 I woke up at 1:00pm. That was really late especially for me. I checked my phone and saw that I had a missed call from Sawyer. I called him back.

-- The Phone Call --

Sawyer: Hey Joey! Why didn't you pick up?
Joey: Sorry I was asleep. What did you need?
Sawyer: Oh, I just wanted to know if I could tell some more people about you and cat! Can I?
Joey: Umm, sure?
Sawyer: K thanks.
Joey: Oh and sawyer I--

-- End of Call --

Ok then! He just hung up on me. All of a sudden, I got a text from cat;\

From: Cat😻

Hey Joey! I was wondering if I can come over.. xx

From: Joey

Yeah sure! xx

From: Cat😻

K! I'll be there in 10 xx


I got up and got dressed. I put on a pair of jeans and a stripped shirt. I quickly did my hair and then I heard a knock on the door. I walked over to the door and saw cat standing there. Everytime I saw her I smiled. 

Cat: Hey! (Leans in and gives a kiss)
Joey: (Kisses back)
Joey: Come in. 
Cat: (Sits on couch with Joey) So, erm, I wanted to ask you something..
Joey: Shoot.
Cat: I think we should tell people about us.
Joey: We already did...
Cat: No, I meant youtube.
Joey: Oh! haha. Erm, ok!
Cat: Really?
Joey: Yeah! I think we should. It would make a lot of Jatrific shippers very happy. (laughs)
Cat: (laughs) Ok! So do you wanna make a video now?
Joey: (shrugs) Why not? (Get's up and sets up camera)

Cat's POV:

Well, that was easy. I thought Joey and I were gonna have an argument, but guess not. 

Joey set up the camera. It was time to start filming.


Joey: Hello everyone! How are you doin? Good? Bad? ANyway, I have a really big announcment, well we have a big announcment. Cat and I are....... DATING!
Cat: Yay! (Laughs nervously) 
Joey: First we are going to tell you how it happened and then I am going to tweet you guys asking for some questions :)


We were done filming. For some reason I was nervous in that video, I don't know why. Now, I just have to wait  for JOey to finish uploading it.

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