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William feels cold.

The constant opening and closing of the door, the cold breeze venturing inside the warm room and through his thin jacket.

Either that, or the outcome of the event that just took place. Shivering as the images and memories of what happened just minutes ago enfolds in front of his eyes.

The sound of sirens and crys, sobbing and screams everywhere.

Will and his little brother Callum sit amongst the chaos, rigid in their uncomfortable plastic seats, unable to succumb to the sadness and tragedy surrounding them.


Another thing Will feels. Along with the numbness all over his body and the continuous dull pain in his throbbing head, a symptom of the wailing baby beside him.

His brother grips his hand tightly, his small fingers intertwined with Will's big ones. He's not sure if it is Callum who is shaking or himself.

And that is the moment she walks in, a gush of wind coming from outside as she pushes the heavy door open and emerges through the groups of devastated people.

Crimson blood dripping down her forehead, Will's unblinking eyes follow her as she sits in the vacant seat adjacent to him, shifting around until she finds a position she deems comfortable.

A girl with long brown hair, a grey jumper, and a pair of well worn, washed out jeans.

Plain, Will thinks.

He turns his gaze back to the spot he was previously staring at when he decides that the girl is not worth his attention. His eyes find the familiar poster on the wall giving information about what to do incase of the event of choking, how to carry out the complicated procedure of the Heimlich manoeuvre.

At this stage, Will would be able to expertly save someone from choking, as he has read it over 26 times.

He is halfway through the paragraph about how choking occurs, when someone nearby audibly clears their throat.

"So what brings you here huh?"

Will abruptly turns his head back to the girl sitting beside him, looking as if she is oblivious to the blood slowly making a trail down the the side of her pale face. Her skin looks sickly in contrast to the deep red colour, and her dull brown eyes, sad and empty.

Will stays silent, unblinking, his mind empty.

"It's ok if you don't want to talk, I've been there." She states, turning in his direction, when he fails to reply.

Her gaze falls to Callum who sits on the other side of Will, staring up at her. He looks too small for the big chair, golden hair falling over his curious eyes.

Her blank expression turns to a softer one, a smile appearing on her face.

"Something happened to our mama, but it's okay because I know she will be alright. My mommy is very strong." Callum explains in a matter-of-fact tone.

He is convinced that everything currently happening around them is okay. His innocent and naive mind unable to process the fact that they are sitting in an emergency room, surrounded by sorrow and pain, waiting for news on their mother's condition.

"Cal." Will states in a warning tone, snapping out his trance. "I'm Will, and this is Callum." He rushes, attempting to be polite.

But even the people down the busy street outside could hear his tense tone and sense the clenching of his perfectly straight teeth. His patience is wearing thin and Will would much rather sit in silence, his only company being his thoughts.

"I'm Riley." The girl informs them, breaking the harsh quietness.

"Hmm." Will nods distractedly, not really caring abut who this woman is.

Riley observes the distraught pair, Will's platinum blonde hair, sticking up in tuffs on top of his head. Probably due to the fact he has probably been combing his rough hands through it repeatedly. His tired blue eyes seem to be fighting to stay open.

Callum, a smaller version of the older boy, is distracted by the nurses and patients passing by, unable to keep his attention on any one object or subject for long. His hands are now placed on either side of him, leaning forward and swinging his feet. He doesn't know whats happening, can't gauge the seriousness of the situation.

Will's eyes, unlike his brother's, are glued to the entrance of the emergency ward, just off of the emergency waiting room.

Riley sighs, seeing the pain and wanting to ease it.

Getting up from her seat, she sits across from the two boys, sliding down the wall and onto the cold hard floor, instantly catching Callum's attention.

"Want to hear a story?" She asks.


D I S C L A I M E R & I N F O

As this is a short story, this will be the only author's note (excluding the end part) throughout. So I would appreciate if you read.

Normal text: Narration
Italics: Riley's story.

As I say in all my books, you may picture the characters to look however you want, and be whoever you want. Skin colour and religion is all up to you guys, as I do not want to offend anyone and their race or beliefs.

Copyright 2016 © all rights reserved.
Any infringement of this document is a violation of copyright law. All rights reserved. The moral right of the author has been asserted and no part of this publication may be distributed, reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means including photocopying, recording, or any other electronic or mechanical methods.

In other words/MY words - you better not fucking copy my work or I will fucking ruin your life in every fucking way possible:)

Lol only messing.

Repercussions will be a result of plagiarism, as it is an act of fraud, and action will be taken.

Love all, X L Aspen

Started: 01/02/17
Finished: 18/04/17

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