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Riley blows on her hot coffee, trying to avoid burning her tongue. She doesn't seem to succeed however, as when she takes a sip, she winces in pain, her facial features scrunching up in a pained expression.

Putting down the styrofoam cup on the ground beside her, she continues the story. Some other people surrounding them have started to listen in, trying to pass the time in an entertaining manner, even Will.

Talia had a fascination with the ocean.

Everything that involved water, at that.

It was a part of her and she was a part of it. In her eyes, her personality, the way she could manipulate and control the waves when she was gliding over the white surf on her sanded board.

It was mysterious and dangerous, intriguing and beautiful.

Just like her.

She dreamt of swimming amongst the inhabitants of the ocean, being able to breath underwater long enough to explore the depths, every inch of it. She wanted to know everything there was to know and everything there was to see.

During the summer of 09', Talia started to take particular interest in jumping off Puck bridge.

Usually it was attempted by the older and braver teenagers, who seeked the thrill of risk and danger. It was deeper, a faster and more challenging part of the river to swim, testing stamina and strength against the force of the water.

Talia would stand on the railing, trying to balance on the thin iron beam, her toes curling around its cold iron. Her usually perfectly manicured blue nail polish, was chipped at the edges.

Sometimes she would stand behind the railing, or sitting on it, her feet dangling over the edge, curiosity and wonder in her eyes, along with the sign of eagerness to jump.

Other times she would stand in front of the railing, leaning forward and holding onto the railing with her hands, arms outstretched behind her. When it would look like she was slipping, her best friend would scream at her to stop, to climb back over, and that it wasn't worth the attraction. Most of Valley Hill's residents and inhabitants had stopped jumping off Puck bridge the summer of 09', the water too choppy and aggressive. No one had the capacity or aptitude to handle the harsh conditions.

The angry waves splashed against the rocks, taunting her, encouraging her to jump. The bed of the river out of sight, the length endless.

The restless currents would pull you down, down to your death.

Talia knew this, yet she was was excited by the idea and revelation, wanting to swim and feel the ice cold water against her skin.

It looked like she could control the ocean, the water, the river.

When really, it controlled her.

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