Chapter 6-Hulking Out

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I own nothing. Not yet anyways.

Jen's POV-

I ran back into the training room. I saw Tony and Steve boxing, Nat and Bruce doing yoga or something like that, and Clint and Thor were throwing things at targets. "Stop!" I shouted. Everyone froze mid-move. "Come here," I ordered them.

They all walked to me. "Yeah? What do you want, darling?" Tony drawled.

"Not now," I snarled. Everyone looked at me wide eyed. "Everyone but the Science Bros over there," I instructed, "leave the room."

Bruce and Tony looked at me, slightly frighten. "Do we get a say in this?" Bruce asked quietly.

I grinned at them and said, "Nope!"

Everyone left and Bruce and Tony looked at each other nervously. "Tony get behind me and Bruce strip down to your pants and get in the center of the room." They knew I wasn't playing around and did as I told them to.

"What's this for?" Bruce asked.

"Problems," I told them shortly. "Now don't be alarmed," I told them. "Bruce, Hulk out."

"What?!" they both yelped.

"We need you to freaking learn that the Hulk is not a goddamn monster. You need to realize that. He is you, but the more emotional version of you. He is more in tune with them than you are because you, like all other geniuses, shut your emotions out. Now," I said, getting angry, "Hulk the fuck out."

He looked at the dangerous look on my face and closed his eyes. He tossed his glasses to side and started to take some deep breaths. Then his face turned a slightly green tinge and he Hulked out. Hulk took a look around and roared. I took a step forward and shouted, "Mr. Hulk! Stand down."

He took a look at me and snarled.

I gave him an easy grin. "Calm down. I need you to listen to Bruce. He won't change until I tell him to and that won't be for a while, so please," I asked, "control yourself."

He looked at me grunted out "OK."

I heard Tony gasp and I gave Hulk a proud smile. "Good job, dude!" I walked up to him and patted him gingerly on the arm. "Now," I asked him, "can you say anything else?"

He screwed his face up and said, "Yes. No. Good."

I jumped up and down and squealed, "Yay! I can't believe it. You're awesome!"

He gave me a smile. I waltzed back to Tony and dragged him forward. "Now, Hulk, this is Tony," I introduced them to each other. "He is Bruce's and your's friend. You can trust him."

Tony leaned forward and patted him on shoulder. "We alright?" Tony asked him. "Do you feel sick? 'Cause you're looking pretty green," he crackled.

Hulk and I both looked at each other and rolled our eyes. "Not funny, Tony," I told him.

"Yeah," grunted Hulk. We both chuckled and looked at each other.

"Stay right here," I asked of Hulk. "I have to introduce you to the others." I slowly back away,careful not to frighten him.

I walked to the door and opened it up. "Guys," I said to the rest of the Avengers and Loki. "Come in." I walked back to Hulk and Tony and asked Hulk, "Hey, can I hop up?" I asked Hulk, pointing to his shoulder. He put his hand forward and I jumped on it. He raised it to his shoulder and I slid onto it.

Just then, I heard someone gasp. "Jen!"

I looked up to see Loki staring at me. Hulk growled and tried to move forward. "Hold on, darling," I told Hulk. "He was just about to apologize," I assured him. I gave Loki a look, "aren't you?' I asked.

He nodded. "Yes," he started. "Hulk, could you please accept my sincere apology? I didn't mean to be rude to you." He gave Hulk a half smile.

Hulk looked and him and grunted, "OK."

I gave him a smile, a hug around the neck, and a peck on the cheek. Loki looked at us two and frowned for a second. "Now, everyone else, introduce yourselves," I told them. They all stepped forward, one by one, and introduced themselves.

Hulk simply nodded to each of them. "," he stuggled to say.

"You mean Bruce?" I wondered. He nodded. "If it's OK with you, can he come?" I asked.

He nodded and I slid off his shoulder. He screw his face up and then began to shrink and eventually, Bruce was back! "Wow," he gasped, before collasping.

I giggled. "Blondie 1 or 2," I said nodding to Thor and Steve. "Bring him to his room." Thor stepped forward, lightly lifted him and carried him out the room. "Now," I said, turning to the rest, "who wants brunch?"

A/N-I think that Jen was a bit OC in this. What about y'all?

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