Chapter 8-Doctor Bruce

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I only own Jen.

Bruce's POV-

I strolled into the kitchen and saw Loki sitting at one of the bar stools. He was staring at the elevator doors. "You alright?" I asked him.

"It's been over two weeks!" he snapped. "What's taking her so long? She should be back. I mean, she's not hurt, so can't get hurt!" he exclaimed. "Well, she can," he backtracked. "But nothing too bad! What's taking her so long?" he repeated once more.

I raised my eyebrow. "Calm down, buddy," I told him gently.

Just then the elevator doors opened up. In stumbled Jen. Loki jumped up and ran to her. She tripped and just then was the blood on her back visible. He picked her up and ran over to me. "Whatdowedo?" he panicked.

"Bring her to the infirmary," I ordered, going to the elevator.

"No," I heard someone gasp. I turned to see Jen struggling in Loki's arms. "They...can't know," she struggled to say.

"Where should we do it?" Loki replied softly.

"In my room," she whispered, her strength fading. "I should have what you the...bathroom," she wheezed out.

"Alright then," I told her pushing the button with her floor on it. "Just hold tight, you'll be fine," I assured her.

She rolled her eyes. "Of course, I trust both Loki and you. But," she hesitated. Whether it was from lack of breath or from nerves, I couldn't tell.

Jen's POV-

I was in Loki's arms. I had to tell them something, but it kept slipping my mind. I finally remembered and spat it out, "I have scars...if you tell anyone...I will give you your own." I tried to sound scary and threatening, but it didn't work. Probably 'cause of the blood loss.

Loki nodded and responded right away. "Of course. We won't tell anyone, will we Bruce?" Bruce just nodded, trying to assess the damage.

I raised a trembling hand to Loki's face. "Your hair changed," I muttered. "It's shorter and curlier. Are you a ginger?" I questioned him.

He chuckled and I felt it vibrate through his chest. "No, darling," he drawled. "It's a golden brown."

I gave a weak laugh. "M'bad," I slurred.

I heard Bruce swear. "Set her on the bed. Face down," he ordered. Whoa, when did we get to my room. He ordered Loki to get some things as he crouched by my side. "I'm going to have to sedate you," he said.

I couldn't take so I just shook my head. "I'm sorry. But I have to do it." I felt a pinch and the last thing I remember was my clothes getting taken off and a gasp. Drama queens.

A/N-Sorry to make this chapter short. The next one is to be much more feels-y so if there's a long wait, I'm really sorry. But the wording has to be right, y'all know what I mean?

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