Chapter 13-Torture

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I only own Jen.

Jen's POV-

I left the Avengers and Loki standing outside the holding cell. I knew that I shouldn't have told them Loki's secret, but it needed to be said sooner or later. I strolled into the elevator and pressed my floor number. Once I was in my room I walked over to my bag. Inside was a small case, for special cases like these. I clutched it to my chest and left the room. I went back to the floor with the Chitauri. Loki was waiting outside the door with Steve. I sighed, knowing a fight was coming. "Yes?" I asked the both of them. "Something wrong?"

They looked at each other before Steve spoke up. "What are you going to do to him?" he asked me.

"The usual. Interrogate, torture, and then when he's outlived his usefulness, kill him," I shrugged nonchalantly.

They stared at me horrified. "You can't do that!" they both yelped.

"Why not?" I wondered bemusedly.

"It's wrong!" Loki exclaimed.

"And don't forget immoral!" Steve chimed in.

"Please. Are you saying that if you knew their greatest weakness, you wouldn't torture them?" I snorted. Loki looked down at his feet guiltily. "Exactly," I smirked. I slipped past them. "Now I have a job to do, gents."

I walked into the holding room and stood in front of the Chitauri. "So, Joe, how ya doing?" I questioned.

"Let me free," he snarled.

I chuckled softly while opening the box. "I don't think so," I told him. I put the object from the box on the table.

"What-what's that?" Joe stuttered.

I laughed cruelly. "What?" I asked. "This syringe?" I waved it in front of his face. "Just a little trick up my sleeve," I informed him.

"Let me go," he insisted, moving around in his chair thing. "You can't do this to me!"

"Sure I can. You know what I think is so funny? Why y'all would want to try and control a world full of your weakness." I rolled my sleeve up and drew out some blood. "I thought that it was a power play. You know like that John Green quote, 'You put the killing thing between your teeth. But don't give it the power to do the killing.' Something like that, at least," I shrugged. I walked over to him and sat down on the table. "Last chance, Joe," I offered. "Give me the info on Thanos. Then you can die painlessly. And not get tortured. Your choice."

He snarled. "Never," he bared his teeth.

I shrugged. "OK." I jumped forward and jabbed the needle in his arm. "3, 2, 1," I counted down. He started to scream. I laughed evilly.

In rushed the whole team. "What's happening!" Tony freaked out.

"The mutation 'sickle-cell anemia' is painful for them. They won't die, but..." I trailed off, looking at their shocked expressions. "What?" I asked, irritated.

"You can't do that!" Clint yelled. "It's inhuman!"

I rolled my eyes. "It's a way to get to the end faster," I explained to them.

Bruce opened his mouth, but looked at the howling Chitauri. "Could we take this outside?" he asked. We all trailed out of the room. He looked at us in the hall. "What did you mean getting to the end faster?" he repeated.

I looked at them awkwardly. "I figured that I was going to skip the knives, water-boarding, sleep-deprivation, then use the blood," I admitted.

They stared at me with slack jaws. For the first time, Nat spoke up. "That's actually pretty smart," she agreed.

Tony just shook his head. Before he could say anything, I too, shook my head and walked off. I got to the elevator and slipped through the doors before they could stop me. "Where to?" JARVIS asked me.

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