Chapter 16-Workouts and Dances

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I only own my OC.

Steve's POV-

I walked down the hall, stealing the occasional glance at Bucky. He seemed to be doing better, but I don't know what they did to him. He seemed to be regaining his memories and he was OK with the thought of me in a relationship with another man. After the tenth look, I steeled my nerves. "So how ya doing?" I asked.

He glanced over at me, still groggy from getting up at 6 to train with me. "Good," he answered slowly. "I'm getting my memories back, so that's good. And the ladies here are gorgeous," he winked.

I blushed awkwardly. "So no problems sleeping or anything? I can ask Tony to fix any issues you might have," I offered.

"Stop worrying," he assured me. "If I have a problem, I'll deal with it."

We turned to corner only to see that the simulation room was in use. I frowned right away. No one was supposed to be in there without 3 others with them. I looked setting and saw that whoever was in there had only two more until they 'beat' the 'game' and raised my eyebrows.

"What's wrong, Stevie?" Bucky asked seeing my expression.

"Who's in there JARVIS?" I asked the AI.

"Miss. Smith," he informed me.

"By herself?!" I exclaimed.

"Yes," he said. "Would you like a live feed?"

"Yes please," I replied.

A hologram popped up and it showed Jen moving so fast, the camera just barely caught her. She was wearing nothing but a sports bra and shorts, but that wasn't the main point.

She had no weapons.

She was fighting everything using nothing but her hand to hand combat skills and her brain. She seemed to be exhausted but not because of fighting, but because of possible lack of sleep. She defeated the level and paused for a moment to stretch out some muscles. It was then when we noticed her body.

She was covered in scars. They were all healed, nothing but white lines. But some them spelled out stuff.

"Freeze and zoom in," Bucky commanded the robot.

Her body came into closer view and I could properly see the scars. They spelled out various words, mostly in English, but with some in other languages. The largest one read Descendant while the others were only simple insults.

"What the fucking hell?" snarled Bucky. His anger was showing but I was too shocked and horrified to do anything. He stormed into the room when there were just a few seconds remaining in the break.

"What are you two doing here!?" she screamed at us.

"What are those?" I asked.

"None of your business," Jen hissed.

"I think that they are. I mean they could cause problems in the field and if we're fighting and there's an issue, that was make an even bigger problem," Bucky told the brunette.

She didn't answer. She tried to walk to the door, but Bucky grabbed her. She must have still been in a fighting mood because she heaved him over her shoulder and slammed him on the ground. I winced as I heard the loud thud. "Я держу тебя из ада. Я могу засунуть тебя обратно дюйма*," I heard her whisper. She walked out of the gym without a backwards glance.

"Wow," I whispered.

Jen's POV-

After I flipped Jay, I left the room and took a big, shuddering breath. I hadn't finished my workout so I took the stairs to my floor. I tried to slip in without waking up Loki, but he woke up when I shut the door. He was half asleep, but his movements were precise. He rolled off the bed and into a stance that was half-defensive and half-offensive. I froze until he was more awake. He looked to me and blushed. "Morning," I smirked.

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