Chapter one

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Thandi's POV....

"Damm it Cole why would  you do that it's fudgin annoying!!!" I scream at Cole my friend as he runs away laughing.

"Because it's nice to see you all angry." He states while he is still laughing.

I look at him with the most cruelest eyes or at least I try to look cruel which I terribly fail at doing because let's face it I am way too weak to even get mad at a fly so Cole is a bigger challenge.

"Oh wow little Tandee is angry what you gonna do about it?" Again that is not how you pronounce my name it's super easy even a fool can pronounce it.

"Okay never mind the 'you pushing me to the ground' let us work on pronouncing my name." I exclaim not even caring about him pushing me anymore I just want him to pronounce my name correctly I mean we've known each other for three months and he still doesn't know how to say it.  Typical 

"Oh come on what's the difference between Tandee and Thandi."     

"No love it's pronounced Tha-ndi not tandee and I will have you know that I don't appreciate it."

"Okay fine Thaaaandi and what does your name mean anyways? " he asks while raising his eyebrows.I can practically smell his curiosity from here, okay I'm just kidding you know what I mean.

"Well let me start by telling you my full name which is Thandeka and that means lovable." I say with pride.

He looks at me and smile and says "That name really does suit you."

"I will take that as a compliment."

"It's time for us to go back to our domes Africa."

"Why do you call me Africa? " I ask as we leave to go to our domes.

"That's easy because your African duhh"

"I get that but I'm south African so like why don't you just say Zulu or shangaan or something."

"The hell? Is Sulu and Shanghai?"

I just burst out laughing because of the way he pronounced it.

"No no Lovie it's Zulu and shangaan and those are south African languages."

"Oh what language can you speak?"

"Originally I am Swati but I speak Zulu which by the way is not real Zulu it's just a Slang Zulu that is spoken by normal black south Africans so to sum it all up I speak Zulu,Swati,Afrikaans, Xhosa also including English which makes 5 languages." I said as we make our way through the corridors to our rooms.

"I'm very impressed but we will continue this discussion tomorrow go back to sleep and we will talk tommorow." He says while giving me a kiss on my forehead.

I blush at this gesture because honestly I am in love with Cole, okay maybe not love but I definitely have strong feelings for him and he doesn't even know it.

"Have a Goodnight Cole."
I say with a smile and look up at him.

He just smiles down at me and replies with
"Goodnight Africa." With that said he turned and left.

Ahh Cole my all time crush.I think of this as I get inside my room and start stripping my clothes off because I need a shower.

Okay let me introduce myself as you know my name is Thandi well  it short for Thandeka my other names are Ophakameyo and Ambrocia and my last name is Nkosi.

Let me translate my second name which means 'Highness' that name is Ophakameyo.

I'm a black south African and I am 17 turning 18 on  August 29th.

At this this time I am in spain attending a boarding school that goes by the name "father santacruiz boarding school" (made that up because i have never been to spain)I am in my senior year. And if your wondering.......yes this is a Christian school which is one of the reasons why I chose it.

I met Cole Three months ago and we became best friends.

Cole is in Spain because his father sent him here. And  the reason why? I have no Idea my self.

Moving on. I have 3 sisters back at home who I would do anything for.

I am just going to finish my senior year and go persue my dream of--Okay maybe not a dream more like the easiest thing I could ever do which would be interior designing.

I would say my dream is to become a singer or an actress even a dancer but oh well I guess I am not meant to do that.

Cole my best friend who I am in love with is a mystery.

The Only thing I know about him is that he is the most popular guy in school
Which  also confuses me because he hangs out with me and if not with his friend Kyle and I know that this will sound super cliché but why would he want to hang out with me.

But as I said Cole is a mystery.

As of this moment I am getting out of the bath tub and putting my pj's on while putting on my deodorant and all that ish you use to be soft skinned.

I move to the bathroom and go brush my teeth.

I go back into my room and go under my covers.


The next morning I woke up with a smile on my face and I don't even know why?

I make my way to the bathroom to take a bath and brush my teeth.

After I'm done I walk back into my room with a towel around my body while going to pick an outfit from my wardrobe.

I picked out a simple v-neck with a denim jean both are the colour black and on the shoes I just chose normal black tackies. Yes I know I'm a very simple person.

I walk out of my dome after I had eaten breakfast to Cole standing outside with the same outfit I had on just more manlier (if there is a word like that) and classier.

"Hey Cole how are you."

"I'm good and yourself?" He answers with a smile

"I'm good I just have business now and I am about to head there where are you going?"I asked as he looks at me with those hazel eyes.

Oh my God I would kill to have blue or green even Brown eyes like most white people have but my eyes are just plain black like plain plain plain.

"Oh I am also heading to business Oh and you look quite dashing." He complements. He's only just saying that because we are wearing the same thing.I mentally roll my eyes at him.

Me being me I answer with a "Oh sweetheart I know" I say while I smile cockily at him.

You were supposed to say 'Thank you' but you being you ." We both burst out laughing.

We enter the business class with a few students in there and Lord am I glad that this is not some cliché scenery where the most popular girl in school is a b***h Okay I can not say the word but anyway this school has no popular girl it's just a normal school with a popular boy who is handsome like Cole Anderson oh and now that we are at it.

"Cole why is your Name and last name English if your Spanish?"

"Oh I grew up with my mother until I was 15 that is when I moved to Spain  so yeah" oh well that makes much more sense.

The lesson begins as we settle down.


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