Chapter nine

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Thandi's POV....

These past few weeks have been a drag but they've been fun.

Cole has been sooooooooo distant and harsh with me and I don't even know why? I mean I have been going cake tasting, venue testing and other things you do when planning a wedding. And my lovely fiance wasn't there with me.

Carla who is Cole's step sister has been very kind to me. In fact she's the closest person I am to in this place. She comes over everyday just to check on me.

And well the maids are back and some are rude some are kind.

Today I finally build up the courage to confront Cole about his cold shoulder.

I'm in front of his office door and I'm not sure if I should knock or enter.

I finally built up the courage to just barge in, only to find two guys in black suits in a heated conversation.

Their attention turns to me and they look at me with confusion until something clicks in their mind and realisation hits them.

"Hi umm where's Cole?" I ask them.

"He's out and you must be soon to be Mrs Perez. Hi I'm Alejandro Cole's right hand man and this is Angelo Cole's other.......mmhh Let's just say left hand man." The guy with a nice quif and more chillled personality says and his accent comes out making him much more intimidating.

"Hello Alejandro and Angelo I'm so glad to find human activity around because the only people that talk to me are the rude maids or the shy ones." I say sitting in front of them.

"Oh don't worry there's more of us." He says.

"Yep there is also André, Daniel, Fernando,Juan Carlos and Nigel." The other dude replies this time.

"So what were you guys talking about?" I ask

"I need you to be completely honest!" Alejandro says to me and he looks dead serious.

I nod and he carries on and what he says next makes me roll my eyes at the two boys.

"Which movie is best? Pirates of the Caribbean or Troy?" Is he serious? Is that what the heated conversation was about? Movies? Boys

"I personally think that Troy is the be--" I didn't even get to finish because Angelo jumped up and acted like a child screaming 'i told you so'
And Alejandro seemed pissed at my answer.
What? I love Brad Pitt.

His victory dance is cut off by the door opening revealing 6 men one of them being Cole.

Cole raises an eyebrow at Angelo and Angelo clears his throat while sitting down and looking all professional.

"What are you doing here?" Cole asks me with a stone cold face.

Okay that's enough! I am done with his moody ass.I mean it's like his on his periods! For heaven sakes I don't even get moody when I'm on my periods.

"I need to talk to you! Privately!" I tell him also keeping a poker face.

Cole raises an eyebrow at me right before dismissing the men behind him and the two in front of me.After leaving he shuts the door and raises an eyebrow at me telling me to talk.

"Why are you giving me a cold shoulder." I ask him as he goes to sit behind his desk on his chair.

"What do you mean?" He asks his poker face still present.

What do you mean?
What do you mean?
What do I mean?

The nerve!

"What do you mean what do I mean? I mean what I mean! Why the hell have you been giving me the cold shoulder?!?" He opens his mouth to protest but I shut him up.

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