Chapter seven

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Thandi's POV

I'm am this close to kicking Cole's ass. I mean who the fuck does he think he is man handling me like he owns me.

At this moment I am seated on his yes people his private jet. Pshh typical rich people

"Stop pouting Africa I promise you will love Spain with passion." Cole says after noticing my scowl.

"Oh just shut it Cole. I have been to Spain I don't need your stupid self to tell me."
I reply back my scowl increasing by the second.

"Not to my part of Spain you haven't." He says smugly. That little bitch.

"You don't own a thing so don't come here talking like your the King of Spain because honey your not fit to be King. "

"Darling you wound me I am a King I'm your King and the Mafia King." He replies with fake hurt.

"Whatever King of the Mafia. I have a question? like in this shitty business you guys call the Mafia do you guys traffic?" I am asking this question but I don't even want to know the answer.

"What do you think?" He questions.

"I think that if you do 'traffic' people you are despicable and I refuse to be part of this sorcery."

"Sorcery?" He asks

"Yes sorcery!"

"Sweetheart we are not using witchcraft or any supernatural things in fact we are way to Godly for that." He states with so much confidence.

Godly? Yeah right!

"What do you know about God if you do such things huh? You yourself are saying you are Godly but you do the most terrible things and I bet you one million dollars that if someone does the same you torture or even kill them." I exclaim.

"Well yes bu--" I cut him off.

"Hypocritical bastard!"

"Okay Africa I know this sounds horrible bu--"

"Horrible? No no no honey this is disgusting, wicked,vile and evil and I hope you go to hell for it!!"
Okay maybe that was a little harsh but I don't give a rat's ass because I am fuming.

"Enough!! I get it I'm a monster you don't have to rub it in my face." With that said he gets up and disappears to some place which I'm guessing it's a room.

Cole is crazy if he thinks that I am in any way gonna say sorry, because you know what he is the one who I suppose to say sorry.

Okay maybe I should apologise I mean I don't even know the story behind this....this What is this any ways?

Knock knock knock


Knock knock knock

Still nothing


"What do you want?" He asks as soon as the door opens without a shirt.

"Can I talk to you?" I ask

"Speak!" He demands
Okay I am starting to rethink this situation but either way.

"Look I am sorry I lashed out on you but you have to put yourself in my shoes you would feel the same way I mean imagine you being dragged out of your house like the Nazis did to the Jews--"

"Nazis? Jews? Africa what are you on about?"

"Okay maybe that's not the best comparison but you did drag me out of my house literally."

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