Chapter twenty

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Cole's P.O.V

What did I do? I'm such an idiot!! I should have at least left her with some food. Damm I'm an idiot. That's something me and Thandi can agree on.

I have to do something for her. I don't know what but I have to do something.

What if I take her out on a date? But then she will say no, so yeah a date is out. For now let me focus on something else.

Taking out my phone and call Alejandro.

On the 5th ring he picks up.

"How is it going over there?"

"These people are tough to crack I mean if a deal with the Italians is hard to crack imagine how much harder it will be to make a deal with the Russians."

"Just set up another meeting where I will be negotiating with them okay."

"Okay Cole." He hangs up.

Walking out of my office I walk towards the twins' room and upon entering the room I find Africa and the twins sleeping on the bed not wanting to wake them up I close the door softly walking towards the front door.

Telling Max that he can take the day off and I will call him when I need him I climb in the car and drive to the Emiliano Sandoval construction company, But then I park out the back entrance but I make sure to enter on the front one. Walking in I am greeted by a busy lobby I don't know why though because it's 7pm at night. I walk up to the receptionist asking her if Emiliano was in.

"Yes he is sir but right now he's busy with his wife." She answers making me nod and start walking towards his office. I hear her protests about how he did not want any disturbances but right now I don't care what Emilio is doing.

Walking in I see Altagracia, Emilio's wife getting dressed with a troubled expression and that moment I knew that they just had sex. Her eyes go wide at the sight of me before she mutters a small 'hi' before running out with a a face so red it makes me want to laugh.

"Ahhh Cole my good Spanish friend, what can I do for you?" My head snapps to Emilio who is sitting there nonchalantly smiling, not feeling slightly embarrassed about what I just saw.

"Emiliano." I approched his desk sitting across him.

"What do you need? Did wifey not give you satisfaction? You look tense." He mocks me.

"I should say the same to you exept the fact that this time you did not satisfy her tks tks tsk Emilio my friend do you need help? " I mock him back with a smug smirk making his smug look falter.

"What do you want Perez!?" He asks getting all worked up.

"Calm your tits Emilio don't get mad." I mock.

"That's Mr Emiliano to you Perez! Now speak or forever hold your peace." He speaks his voice hardening.

As you can see me and Emilio don't like each other at all, we hold great respect for each other but we don't like each other. No screw that---- we can't even look at each other let alone respect each other because he's a filthy dog who needs an ass whopping.

"Where's Kyle!?" I get straight to the point.

"And how would I know?" He asks.

"Your his right hand man of course you know now tell me."

He looks at me for a moment.

"And what makes you think that I'm gonna tell you?"

In just a second my gun is in my hand pointing straight at Emilio.

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