Chapter sixteen

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"Hey! Put that down!" I shout at a kid that I haven't seen in my life when he picks up a very expensive vase.

The twins' birthday started 3 hours ago and it's a mess!

The kids are running around! The adults!!! Oh the adults are helping the children ruin the place.

And the worst part is that Tina!! Is the main leader!
Tina! For Christ's sake she is the adult.

"Jesus! Mary! And Joseph! Tina stop helping the kids ruin the place!" This time she's chasing a cute little blondie who I'm guessing is the twins' friends, around.

"Tin-- you know what?!? Keep doing that! Yeah do it! And I swear to all that is holy your cleaning this house!" When she hears me say that she immediately stops!

"Yeah Tina! Carry on and-- you know what?!? I change my mind! You are cleaning this house!" I say victoriously while smirking.

"No! You can't do that! I'm so sorry! I won't do it again." She pleads coming closer to me.

"Oh but I can." I grin evily " And I swear to Christ if by morning--No!! By 7 pm this house so not clean!!" I give her the most deadliest look. I walk out with her following me and whimpering that she's sorry.

"I'm going to the coffee shop to check on things there--- you know what? Actually I'm getting away from you guys." I say taking my purse and my car keys.

"I'll be at the coffee shop. Be back in 3 hours! Ciao!" With that said I walk out but I walk back inside shouting.

"Oh and give my love to Stefano and Antonio okay bye!"

Thank Lord I'm out of there.

I hop onto my range rover and drive out of the drive way straight to the coffee shop.

When I get there I am greeted by all my employees with warm smiles on their faces.

"Hey Thandi. How's life? You haven't been here for a while, what's going on." One of my employees who's the manager here, George said as I sat down inside my office.

"Sorry, love, but I've been cooped up with the company and the twins party was today."

"Oh you must be exhausted. Sit here and I'll bring you coffee and a muffin." He says and I nod while he gets out leaving me in my own thoughts.

I still can't shake the feeling that something is about to happen and its getting me worried.

George enters snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Thank you so much George, your a doll." I say and he nods walking out.


Three hours later....

It's 7pm and I'm heading home now. No in fact I am actually entering the driveway.

I get out of the car but only to see a 5 cars parked outside my house.

Who the hell would come here after the party has just finished?

Curiosity grows in me and I enter the house to find it not cleaned.

Damm that bitch is getting a slap!

I start picking up the dirt while yelling out Tina's name.

"Tina I swear to Jesus! To the virgin Mary! To freakin Joseph! You are not going to see the day of light!" I shout still picking up dirt everywhere heading to the living room.

"Tina! I just started going to church again! And I don't need anymore reason to got to hel-- shit!" I stop on my tracks as I enter the living room, seeing Cole and the boys sitting there casually with the girls.

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