Chapter ten

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Thandi's POV....

I woke with my phone alarm blasting the song I miss you by Alliyah.

I woke up groaning dragging myself to the bathroom.

Cole is freakin crazy to wake me up so early in the morning I mean I had to set my alarm an hour earlier because of Cole fuckin Perez.

I fill water inside the bath tub. I would shower but I don't feel like standing.

I bathe for 30 minutes and the next 30 minutes I find something to wear that involves black leggings, A long sweater vest with black tackies.

I drag myself out of my room in search for Cole because it's already 3:05am.

I looked for him everywhere and nothing!

I have a better idea.

"Cole! Cole! Here boy!" I whisper like I'm looking for a dog.This is hilarious I mean if Cole knew how I was looking for him I would be dead.

I do it again only this time to laugh at my silly joke.

I start laughing like a crazy maniac.

My thoughts are cut off with Cole and his 'goons' entering the room looking at me with questioning eyes.

I clear my throat and answer.

"Ahem the was a dancing cockroach." I say stammering. "Yes on the floor! Right there with it's tiny little feet."

The boys try to hold back their laughter while I'm cursing myself for that lame excuse I mean wtf 'dancing cockroaches'
Smooth Thandi real smooth

"Honestly Africa we gonna have a talk about you seeking me out like a puppy." He says with an unamused face.

"Now let's go we have some training to do."

He walks outside followed by the boys and me following behind like a lost puppy.

We walk outside and they lead me to a place that looks like a battlefield and on the other side was a training centre that looks like the one Pilate used when he was training for battles.

How huge is this place? I haven't seen this part of place since I've been here.

Cole takes off his jacket revealing his killer outfit that looks like he's ready to assassinate the president or something.

They all take off their coats and reveal the same clothing while me on the other hand am wearing a simple outfit.

"Okay so look! I'm assuming you know these two dumb nuts besides me so well let me introduce you to the rest of the gang."

He gestures to the one with raven hair and blue eyes. "This is Nigel."

"That's Juan Carlos." He points to the guy with blonde hair and green eyes.

"Those two standing over there are Fernando and Daniel." He points to the two who look like brothers because of their brown hair and blue eyes.

"And the one on the left side of me is André." He nods towards him.

"You got that?" He asked me and I just nod while yawning.

"Okay you see that field over there?" He asked Pointing to the field that looks big enough to fit a whole school.

"Mhh" I hum in response.

"Run 3 laps around it and come back here."

I look at him like his lost his mind with wide eyes.

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