Chapter seventeen

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Roses are Red, Violets are Blue. And the true meaning of that, is that I am screwed.

As Cole waits for his answer I stand there trying to find an excuse.

"Don't change the subject! Just carry on with the Kyle Mafia shit." I say stammering.

"No answer me! Who's kid is that?!?" He raises his voice getting more angrier.

"No ones! Now abo-"

"Damm it! Thandi who's child is that!!!" He yells making me flinch.

"Okay fine!! You wanna know so bad!?! His yours!!! and in fact there is not only one but two!! So there you have it! We have twins!! Stefano and Antonio!!" I scream while sobbing.

He looks at me with shock while tears are running down my eyes like the river Jordan.

"Why the hell would you keep this from me!!" He asks his voice not calm at all.

"I was going to tell you but then you started giving me the cold shoulder and I didn't know what to do!!"

"That is no reason to keep it a secret!!" He yells.

"I-I was goi--"

"You were never going to tell me!! Thandi how could you deprive me off my right!!!?" He shouts and I sobb more.

"I was just--"

"Looking for what?!? How could you be so selfish?!?"

"Listen!!! I was going to tell you but then you treated me coldly and when I was just about to confront you and probably tell you!! You accused me of being a mole and practically threw me out!!" I scream.

"You should have at--"

"If I told you after that you would have never let me go and imprison me there for nine months!! And after the nine months were finished you would have not only thrown me out, but never let me see my babies at all!!!" That shut him up.

"I'm right and you know it!! Cole I'm sorry for not telling you but you would have done worse and I wouldn't bare to loose my babies!!" I sobb covering my face with my hands.

"I'm so so so sorry I never meant to take away your children like that! But it's just that if you took them you would have taken my reason for breathing."

After a long silence I feel hands around me and I land on Cole's chest sobbing out like crazy.

He keeps on whispering sweet nothings to me while apologising for everything.

And then I realise what position we're in and I push him off me.

"My love, I know I was a dick and I don't deserve you or your forgiveness but please! Let me protect you and my children!" He pleads desperately.

I don't want him near the twins but that would be both selfish and unfair to him also the twins.

"Okay fine! We'll come to America with you but you have to promise to keep your distance from me!" I say with finality.

He thinks about it then nods.

"But can I spend time with the kids?" He asks hopefully.

"Yes you can but I first need to tell them about you. Oh and if you want a place to sleep, ask the girls to get you settled in I am too tired to do it." I say while yawning and walking out straight towards the twins room.

When I get there the twins are not sleeping but playing on the mat.

"Hey loves, why aren't you guys sleeping?" I ask as I sit across them on the floor.

"We heard noises so we woke up." Antonio answers and I immediately feel guilty because they couldn't sleep and the reason is me and Cole.

I clear my throat and continue.

"So my loves, remember what I told you about your father?"

They nod and Stefano answers.

"You said that the only father we need is God." He says and I nod.

"Now listen, no matter what, God will still be your father, but your father in heaven and spiritually. You have a father here on earth and he is back and wants to have time with you. Now bare in mind that God is still your father everywhere, but your father will be here physically." I finish and they nod. "Does that make sense?" I ask and they nod.

"What your saying is that our father is back." Stefano states and I nod.

"Go to sleep loves we have a lot of work to do tomorrow." I state and they both frown.

"What do you mean?" Stefano asks with a frown.

"We are cleaning the house." I state in a duh tone.

"No mama, you are cleaning the house not us."

"Are you getting smart with me?" I ask in a warning tone and they both shake their heads. "Good cause of you are you can sleep outside. Now whether you like it or not you are cleaning this house, it was your party after all." I say standing up walking towards the door leaving them there sitting with scowls on their faces.


The next morning we all clean the house including Cole and his goons.

Cole is cleaning in the backyard with the twins because I thought it was a good idea for them to talk.

When we are all finished the twins come rushing down all exited about something.

"Mama, Dada says that his buying us private jet." Stefano says to me.

"Uhh... No his not." I state.

"Uhh yes I am." Cole states coming closer.

"No your not. Your not buying them anything especially something so expensive." I say sitting down.

"Oh come on just let me buy them something then."

"You can buy them something but nothing expensive that includes phones, laptops, Xboxes and especially PRIVATE JETS." I exclaim.

"Okay fine." He nods.

"When are we leaving anyways?" I ask changing subject.

"Next week Thursday."

"Okay then Cole! Who the hell is gonna take my place at the company and also look after my coffee shop?"

"One of your sisters can take care of it."

"My sisters have lives! They can't do everything that I can't do." I answer.

"I will appoint one of my father's close friends to deal with it." He says.

"I don't trust none with my my things especially business!"

"You can trust this guy! He is very trustworthy."

I nod.

Let's hope so

Let's hope so.

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