[6] I have a werewolf boyfriend. Who's arranged to marry a werewolf girl. While i'm human. FML.

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I have a werewolf boyfriend. Who's arranged to marry a werewolf girl. While I'm human. FML.

So hi. Sorry for the fail, I typed before this. :l I really skipped a lot ; because I am not really a great writer. :l So, how do I explain boring of boring of months. You know? :l Well anyways, hopes this make up for the stupid one before? ( I really hope so. Well ta-ta- - brightlight13.

"So we're neighbors?" I said to James, he told me his name, when he tricked me into going out w/ him for something to drink.

"Yeah. I bought the house, because it's really nice & I, uh, I uh, needed to stay umm, closer, w/ friends." He gave me that cute smile of his & we're sitting at Starbucks. To people we would look like a couple. Very strange couple, since I look a mess in my paint-splattered jeans w/ a Kings of Leon sweatshirt & James who is wearing a black polo w/ khaki shorts.

"Shit." James muttered, he turned his head, and quickly turned back around. I looked behind him & saw this really pretty girl w/ orange hair, walking towards us. She looks like Hayley Williams from Paramore. (Who is extremely beautiful.) But you can tell by the way she carries the Coach purse in her hand & the preppy outfit she's in, she's NOTHING like Hayley.

"James, baby, where have you been?" She called out to him, in the highest, girlish voice I've ever heard.

"Catherine. Please, not here." He said to her, without looking at her, he just watched my face, for my expression. My face was expressionless; I should've known this was going to happen. He's just like what I thought he was. I grabbed my keys & jacket got up & started walking down the street, opposite from my house. I started crying, not because of James & Catherine, but because of how my life fell apart. How it went from a little bit of something to exactly nothing. Lost my best friend & a boyfriend, who really meant a lot to me & I thought I meant a lot to him. Kale. I need him back in my life, I really do, and he's someone that I just can't live without. I wouldn't even care if he were just my friend. I wouldn't care how what he would be to me I just want him back. I know what I need to do, I turned the street & started walking to Kale's moms house.

I knocked on the front door to Mrs. Brecht, I don't know what I'm going to do, and I'm so stupid. Why did I ever come over here in the first place? What do I even have to say? What if Kale isn't here? I was about to walk down the steps, when the front door opened.

"Jessica?" I heard Mrs. Brecht voice, she still looked the same w/ her brown hair & pretty facial features except for her blue eyes, which looks a little bit dull. They aren't the same, when I last seen her, which was for New Year's. But that was a while ago.

"Uh, hi Mrs. Brecht. I was wondering, is Kale home?" That's a stupid question. Of course he wouldn't be home. He dropped out of school, I haven't heard about or seen him around.

"Jessica, come in please." She stepped aside & I hesitated. Does this mean Kale's mom was a werewolf too? Of course she is Jessica, stop being stupid. I walked in the living room & sat down on the sofa. Mrs. Brecht closed & locked the door. She came over to me and sat down after grabbing some water.

"You know that Kale isn't a human right?" She said calmly.

"Yes, ma'am."

"Well Kale is a werewolf, which I think you know, but anyways, werewolves live in packs. But you know how there is a President of the United States? Well, even though we are all in different packs, we still need a leader to govern us all. But we have actually a family that leads. Kale, Kale's father, & me are that family for right now. But, Kale's father, as you also know, died last year. Since he can't finish his term, Kale has too. " She said calmly. I took all this in, going over the fact that Kale has so much on his plate right now.

"Yes, indeed he does. That's not it; Kale has to have a family, to officially take over. " She paused & took a sip of her water.

"You see Jessica, I'm going to come straightforward about this. Kale & Audrey are going to get married this summer. " Oh, no way in hell. I would never let her get him she doesn't deserve him.

"Mrs. Brecht out of everyone in the world. Why Audrey?" I asked.

"I don't know Jessica. I had nothing to do w/ Kale's arrangements to be w/ Audrey. Kale did."

Okay, does this make up for the crap I gave you yesterday? :l I hope so. I got Mrs. Brecht from Disturbia. I got Kale from disturbia too, I was watching it yesterday ( Shia L. is amazing. ) Sorry, it's not as long as i thought. :l But, ugh , i just really hope you like .

I have a werewolf boyfriend. Who's arranged to marry a werewolf girl. While I'm human. FML.Where stories live. Discover now