Chapter Three

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After lunch I went to my room and changed into a nice flowy sun dress. It was tight fitting at the top but was loose and wide at the bottom, when I spun in it, it would sprawl out around me.

I’d never wear it in my waking life but in my sleeping life I was a different person, so it was one of my favourite clothing items.

I replayed the moment in the bush over and over in my head. Then a sudden realization hit me like a ton of bricks and I got very scared and self conscious. How long was the secret hideout there? Does she just spy on us 24/7? I got goosebumps just thinking of the devil girl stalking us.

I went back down and saw that just Mark and I were left at home. I sat on the couch and fiddled with the soft fabric of my dress.

“How was your day?” Mark asked, sitting next to me.

“Well, it was alright. It was a long day but at least no one pestered me.”

“Oh, that’s good.”

“Yeah,” we fell into a silence that was not only awkward but very aggravating. I had no idea why but I just got so angry at the quiet. I hid my anger deep within and put on a smile so Mark wouldn’t ask.

    I opened my mouth to tell him about the girl but I remembered the threat and closed my mouth again. I repeated that a few more times.

“What are you doing?” Mark asked.

“Oh um, I’m working on my fish impression.” I lied.

“Well, it's more like this…” he pulled a funny face, sucking in his cheeks and crossing his eyes, he then tried to move his lips but he accidentally made a kiss-type sound and we both burst out laughing.

“I’ll try that later on” I breathed out, still laughing.

“Okay, just don’t add the sound and you’ll be good.”

    We held onto each other trying to calm down and catch our breaths. We then got quiet again but this time it was sweet. We stared into each other’s eyes longingly and I blushed lightly.

“I love you Blaire.” He stated.

    My eyes widened and I let go of his arm that I didn’t even know I’d grabbed on to. I sat there feeling a little scared yet full of adrenaline. Mark’s face fell and he got really embarrassed.

“I’m sorry I bet it’s too soon for that, I didn’t mean to scare you, I just. Gosh I don’t know feeling!” He stumbled on his words, getting up from the couch.

“No, no it’s okay,” I grabbed his wrist before he left. I then stood up with him, “I love you too Mark. I was just shocked, that’s all.” I kissed his cheek and a smile spread across his face.

    We sat back on the couch and decided to just cuddle and watch some movies. It was the cliché couple moment that any couple goes through at least once in their relationship, for us it’s almost every day. The movies in my sleeping life are the closest things to dreams I’ve ever had, or that’s how I’d like to refer to them.

    I guess somewhere in between being cute and cuddly and trying to pay attention to the movie I’d dozed off because all of a sudden I’d woken up in my room. I rubbed my eyes and looked around. I was in my waking life and I was sad.

    The fact that I couldn’t fall asleep on my boyfriend’s chest without being sent to my waking life was aggravating.  I stood up and went to my bathroom, grabbing a small glass of water. It was still only 2:00 am so I would’ve had more time in my sleeping life but I was no longer tired.

    I paced around in my room thinking of something I could do to pass the time when I saw my backpack in the corner.

“No way, I’m not going to do homework out of boredom.” I whispered to myself. “Well, it’s something to do…” I thought aloud. If my mom were to miraculously decide to com in she’d think I were crazy.

    I inched my way over to my backpack as I internally fought myself. One part of me wanted to just get it over with whereas the other part of me was completely against it, then of course there was that itty bitty little fraction of me that was lazy and just wanted to lie awake on my bed for hours until I fell back to sleep.

    I finally gave in and walked over to my backpack and dug out my textbook and pages. I set everything on my desk and got to work. I tried to remember what the teacher said to do.

“Read pages--- to--” I couldn’t seem to get my mind to fill in the blanks. I thought long and hard but still couldn’t even sound out what she said.

    I flipped through the book looking at every number n the corner trying to see if I had recognized any of the numbers but I was entirely clueless. I gave up and closed my book in defeat. I then started to doodle little kittens on the edges of the page I was to fill out.

    I started to feel sleepy and looked at my clock, it had been an hour since I got back. I stood up and climbed back into bed. I rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes, letting the darkness take over.

    I jolted up and realized I was back on the couch. Mark, however, was not there. I got up and walked around a bit before going to his room. Sure enough he was asleep on his bed, snoring softly. I smiled at his adorable sleeping figure.

    I walked in and lightly shook his shoulder. He shivered and woke up, opening his eyes slightly. He then recognized me and smiled.

“Where did you go?” He asked, yawning.

“Well I fell asleep so I was back in my waking life but it’ only 3:00 am there so I came back.” I replied.

“Oh, I see. I wish it wasn’t that way, it would be nice to actually fall asleep with you and not have you disappear.”

“I know, I get it. I feel the same way. But I can’t be here forever.”

“I wish you could be… What happens when we get older and want to start a family? Or when we get married?” He asked.

“Whoa, slow your roll babe! We’re only 16!”

“I know but are you really going to fall for someone else? I mean no one in your waking life even wants to talk to you and here there aren’t many guys that would be good for you.”

    His words stung me, as if he slapped me in the face. I took a step backward with a look of disbelief plastered to my face. He was confused but then sudden realization hit him and h jumped up.

“I didn’t mean it like that!” He Panicked. “I meant like… oh I don’t know! I’m not good with words!”

    I held my hand up, telling him to stop. He shut up and stared at me wide eyed. I could tell he didn’t mean it that way but it just really hurt.

“I get it mark, only someone like you can love me.” I replied.

“No, you don't get it, if someone else won you over I’d be gone! I’d be nothing without you.”

“Mark, I love you, you know that, there’s nothing to worry about. I’m sorry that I can’t stay forever, but it’s not my choice. If I had it my way, I’d stay forever.”  I felt this odd feeling run through my veins that I never felt before and I got extremely tired. I wobbled on my feet slightly and Mark caught me before I fell over. He set me on his bed and I collapsed.

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