Chapter Four

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I woke up in my bed again, this time the girl from the bush in my sleeping life was there sitting at my desk. I got scared and sat up, pressing my back to the headboard. I flashed her a confused and uneasy look and she laughed.

“So glad you woke up.”

“Why are you here, or better yet how are you here?” I asked.

“Well, darling, it’s complicated. But I overheard you and your little boyfriend talking about how you wished you could stay there forever and I couldn’t not grant your wish!” she clapped her hands together and I flinched thinking something would happen.

“I told you, I’m not going to die, or even slip into a coma; as I said before, you’re insane.”

“That I am!” She giggled. “But honey, you want to live a life with him don’t you? You can’t live your life like this when you’re older. When you want to settle down, what god will this life be to you? At least there you don’t have to worry about school or jobs! You get what you want when you want it. No rules, no school and no worries.” She smiled evilly.

“It’s not happening, so get it out of your head.”

She shook her head and laughed. “You don’t get it do you? You can’t take back a wish, especially when I get involved.”

“Who are you?” I asked.

“I’m Dev, Satan’s daughter!”

    I was surprised and shot her a look to say she was crazy and she just smirked in return. The vibes she was emitting weren’t too comforting. I shifted uneasily.

“Come on, that’s total B-S” I rolled my eyes.

“Is it?” she opened her palm and a small flame appeared. I flicked my eyes from the flame to her face a few times before she closed her hand and it was gone.

I closed my eyes and shook my head. When I open my eye’s she’ll be gone, I thought. When I opened my eyes she was no longer sitting at my desk. I smiled and laid down, I looked to my ceiling and screeched. She was there staring at me in amusement.

“Now, you’re going to get you wish and if you’re ungrateful you’ll regret it!” she hissed climbing down from my ceiling and standing in front of my bed.

“How do you plan on putting me into a coma?”

“Very easily, ill drop you off a cliff.” She replied.

“There aren’t any cliffs for miles.”

“Well good thing we don’t have to walk” She grabbed my arm and snapped her fingers.

    Suddenly we appeared on top of a large cliff; It was at least a 100 ft. drop. I felt goosebumps rise up on my arms and I started to get extremely scared. She dragged me to the edge.

    I peered over it, careful not to step forward. It was a long way down and one that I didn’t want to freefall down. I gulped and looked at Dev with pleading eyes.

“I can’t even say good bye to anyone?” I asked shakily.

“You already have,” She giggled. “Don’t worry, I left your suicide note on your desk.”

“What?! Are you crazy!?” I shouted.

She pushed me towards the edge, she was a lot stronger than she looked. My feet were half off the edge and the ground crumbled a bit beneath my feet. I shivered and I felt a tear escape my eye.

    I held my breath and I felt her push me off. I felt my stomach drop and I fell, it was like going to do a belly flop in a pool but escalated more than a hundred times. I screeched out then calmed myself enough to just barely wheeze out, “I love you, mom.” As the final few feet of my waking life quickly approached.

    I cried out it pure pain as I hit the ground. I’d never been able to comprehend as much pain as I felt. I could tell almost every bone of mine was broken and I was definitely bleeding all over. I sobbed and screamed and made any noise humanly possible a I started to feel light headed and dizzy.

    I couldn’t bring myself to open my eyes. It just wouldn’t happen, as if whatever brainwaves that normally let the open just, disappeared. My breathing got heavy and uneven as I felt the darkness envelop me.

    I just wanted it to be over and to wake up in Mark’s bed, I wanted him to comfort me as I cried and I wanted this pain to be over. I couldn’t handle it any longer.

“PLEASE JUST GET IT OVER WITH, I CAN DO THIS!” I cried out with the last little bit of energy I had left.

“Will do, honey.” I heard Dev’s evil voice as if it were just next to me. Finally, I blacked out. The worst was over.

    When I woke up, however, I wasn’t with Mark at all. I was in a hospital room. But I wasn’t in the bed across the room, I was sitting in a chair. Whoever was in the bed was breathing in small bursts and not at all controlled. It looked painful.

    My curiosity got the best of me so is stood up and walked over to the bed looking at the patient. My breath hitched in my throat and I wanted to scream. The patient was me, all bruised bloody and looking basically dead. I had so many emotions run through me and I looked around the room.

    I expected to see my mom somewhere or even just my sister but no one was there. No matter how many times I tried to think of a logical reason as to why no one was there, but I couldn’t think of anything.

    I wanted to sit down and cry, but I couldn’t seem to make it happen. It was like I was alive but I couldn’t function like a normal human.

“Dev!” I yelled. After waiting a few minutes and not getting a response I snapped, “DEV, COME HERE NOW!”

She appeared in front of me and gave me an annoyed glance. “Whaaaat” She sighed out dragging the ‘a’.

“You said I’d be in my sleeping life, what part of this looks like my sleeping life to you?” I hissed.

“You have to pull that plug on the oxygen tank.” She replied pointing at a small wire.

“You want me to kill myself?”

“Well do you expect me to do t? I have a reputation to maintain!”

“I can’t do this!”

“Why not? No one cares! You don’t see anyone in here crying over you do you? Your mom hasn’t begged any doctors to fix this, your sister hasn’t been holding your hand and begging you to sing her one last song. Your teachers haven’t been pestering you for your work. You’re nothing but a thorn in their lives. Without you they’d be happy!” she finished.

    She was trying to get into my head and after a few moments of thinking it over I let her win. Her words over powered any bit of faith I had left and I stormed over to thee electronics and I pulled the wire out of the outlet, I then tore tubes out of my arms and ripped wired out of other sockets, just to let out all my anger. I was fed up and completely done.

I saw my body jolt a bit then go limp as a loud high pitched beep rang out. I faded in and out of consciousness as I watched doctors run into my side. They checked vitals and tried to reconnect everything, wondering how or why it could’ve happened. I just took a deep breath and collapsed one last time.

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