Chapter One

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   I sat in class tapping my pencil on my hand, waiting for the bell to ring so I could go home and sleep. I payed no attention to my teacher as she was talking about algebra which I honestly could care less about.

    I looked out the window as I wished for the loud sound to silence my teacher and release us into the world. It was the last day of school before March Break so of course I was excited. I glanced up at the clock and smiled, I counted down from three in my head and as if on queue the bell rang out and stopped my teacher from speaking.

“Have a safe and fun break everyone! Don’t forget to do your homework! Pages 345 to 500 due on the Monday you come back!”  She shouted after everyone.   

    I put in my earbuds and pressed play, not caring what song played only wanting something to drown out the sound of screaming people running to their busses. I walked out of the front door of the school and at on a step waiting for my mom to show up.

    I drummed my fingers on my thighs as I leaned on the metal railing. As the busses drove away one by one full of kids my mom finally pulled into the parking lot. I got up and adjusted the strap of my back pack. I walked to her car and got in the passenger seat.

    I took one earbud out so if she wanted to say something I’d hear her; this was one of her many rules of the family. Ever since dad left she’d been making more and more rules. It’s almost as f it’s her             coping mechanism.

    She doesn’t like when I ask her why she makes all the rules, she just said it's to protect me then she changed the subject entirely. So I’ve stopped caring and asking.

    She never asks about school; she doesn’t seem to care much. It hurts a little but I try not to let it bother me. I mean, it's all with good intent I guess.

    I don’t have friends, at least not at school. I don’t talk, text or call when I’m awake, but when I sleep I am alive. And no, not in dreams; In my second life!

    Basically I’m transported to a new life and universe when I fall asleep where there are no parents, no rules, no school and so many people that love and care about me!

“So honey, how was your day?” Mom broke the silence out of the blue.

    I stopped everything I was thinking about and turned to her in surprise. I just stared at her in shock until she snapped her fingers in front of my face.

“You in there?” she asked.

“Um… yeah you just, never ask me how my day was.” I mumbled.

“Well I’ve changed that. So, how was your day?” she repeated.

“Um… the normal, boring and lonely.” I replied.

“What about Margaret?” She questioned.

“She moved, remember?”

“No, I don’t remember that…wow that’s crazy.”

“You’d know if you listened more…” I stated under my breath.

“What?” She asked.

“Hm?” I hummed pretending to be oblivious.

“Never mind.”

    We then retreated back into silence as there was nothing else to talk about. It was nice to be quiet but it was sad that we didn’t have the relationship most mothers and daughters have. I thought about what could possible happen to night once I settle down to sleep.

    I thought of all the amazing memories with my friends and laughed, instantly stopping and realizing my mom probably thought I was crazy. I smirked secretly and looked out the window at the trees and signs whizzing passed.

    When we got home I walked up to my room and turned my music on. I paced around my room picking a few things up from the floor every now and then. This was how I spent almost every night after school. In the morning stuff would be put on my floor, after school I’d pick the stuff up.

    It always felt like it took forever for night to truly arrive. It was painful and I always wanted it to come quicker but never any luck.

“Honey, come down for dinner!” my mom called.

    I checked the time and I guess my wish had come true as it was already 5:30 pm. I got up and ran down stairs. I sat at the dinner table in record time and my mom and younger sister stared at me in astonishment.

“How can you be so quiet and lazy one hour and the next you’re a ball of energy?” my mom asked.

“I don’t know, simple I just… like food” I laughed.

“Oh, okay.” She gave me an odd look but set my plate in front of me.

    As I ate I couldn’t help but try to imagine what could possibly happen tonight. Will we watch movies? Play games? I got excited just thinking about it. I then thought of mark and my heart fluttered. Mark was my boyfriend of two years. We’d known each other for ten years though.

    Mark and I live with our best friend Lexa. The age of majority in my Sleeping life is 15 so we all moved in together, before we moved in I lived with Lexa and her sister, Kacey, as my parents didn’t exist in that world.

“Yo, Blaire, you alright there?” my mom asked.

I looked up at her then responded, “Yep, I’m fine, just off in my own little world I guess.”

“Do you have any homework?”

“No…” I replied.

“Really?” she raised her eyebrow, “I don’t buy it.”

“Ugh, fine, I have a few pages but it’s spring break mom! I have all the time in the world!”

“That may be but it’s best to get it over with when you know the answers as opposed to leaving it until the very last minute.” She stated.

“But mom!” I whined.

“Hey, you do what you want, but don’t crawl to me when you can’t remember something or you forget to do it all together.”

“I won't.”

    I then continued to eat as I felt eyes burrowing into my head. I glanced over at my younger sister, Jess.

“Yes?” I asked.


“Then why are you staring at me?”

“Was not”

“Were to”

“Was not”

“Stop being a two-year-old you’re twelve now,” I hissed.

“Girls, enough.” Mom scolded.

“Sorry mom” We both spoke in unison.

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