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So I haven't written a fanfic in a while so I'm going I try this grape one.

Your pov

DING! My phone goes off. I pick it up and turn it on seeing the message Grapeapplesuase messaged you.

I gasped. Why the hell would Grape message me...? This must be a prank.

I unlocked my phone and opened the message. The message read: Grape: hey beautiful want to meet up with Daddy?

What the fuck is going on? I thought then I found my self replying. You: how do I know you aren't some kidnaper trying to rape me?

Surprising answer Y/N. I would never say that to someone.

DING! My phone goes off again. I find my self eager to read his next message.

Grape: hey I'm not a kidnaper or rapist! I see that we live close to each other. Let's meet at the pizza place in 20 minutes?

I bite my lip. Should I trust this guy?  I mean I'm sure it's really him...screw it I'm meeting up with him.

You: sure I'll see you there :D

Wow that's dumb, ugh I probably just messed it up with the dumb face.

Grape: great see you there. I'm pretty sure you'll know what handsome face to look for. 😜

I giggled at his text and replied with. You: I know what you look like Sean.

I pulled on some black tights and a red and black flannel with a white tank top under it.

I quickly straightened my hair then I threw on some black converse.

I grabbed my keys and said bye to my mom then I was out of the door.

I walked to the pizza place and I stoped once or twice to take a picture of flowers or myself.

When I reached the pizza place I felt butterflies in my stomach.

Gosh what's the matter with me? It's just Grape! Ugh get over yourself Y/N! I thought.

I took a deep breath to clam me down then I walked into the pizza place and looked around.

I stepped further into the pizza place so I wouldn't block the door and my eyes fell upon Sean.

Shit...why does he have to look so handsome? I thought.

I pulled out my phone and texted him, You: Look behind you Grape...

DING! Someone's phone went off and I saw Sean reach for his pocket. It is him...

As he pulled out his phone he read the message. Then he turned around and saw me.

He smiled, damn his smile is beautiful.

"Hey are you Y/N?" He questioned adorably.

I couldn't speak so I jut nodded my head.

"Come sit down." He said and pointed to the seat across from him.

I walked over and sat with him. Then a question popped into my mind, "Sean why did you ask me if I wanted to meet with 'daddy'?"

He smirked and I was under his spell, "Call me daddy princess."

I knew I would never be able to forget this moment...

So that's my crappy chapter. Idk if anyone would like it. So it was about 507 words. Anyways I hope you enjoy even though this is crappy af.

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