Chapter Five

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Zara's POV

Not exactly sure what was going on I went to follow my mother out only to stop with my door barely an inch open at the sound of Vaden's voice.

"Georgia. What are you doing here?" She asked in want sounded to me a very tired tone.

"I came to give something to Zara and Aviva told me she promised to take you to her grave. She's waiting for you at the gate for whenever you're ready to leave." My mum told her kindly and I couldn't help but wonder whose grave she was talking about.

Vaden sucked in a slight breath before breathing it back out slowly. "Yes, I want, need, to go. Thank you Georgia."

"Oh also, Vaden... I'm sorry." I was confused by how sad mum sounded. "I know you must be terribly confused right now, you know, with Zara and all."

Vaden scoffed audibly making my grip tighten on the door handle tighten. Am I really that bad?

"Confused wouldn't be what I'd use to explain how I'm feeling Georgia." Vaden ground out. "It's not possible, it's impossible. There is no way she is my Mate. I won't have it."

"But she's a Celestial Vaden, and they know when they've met their Mate better than anyone." Mum argued back.

"But she's not my Mate, Georgia, I already have a Mate!" Vaden hissed back sending shrilling pain through my chest.

I couldn't take hearing them anymore. It felt like my soul was shrivelling up, like each word Vaden said was a physical attack against my heart. A deep part of me adamantly denied hearing those words from her, like I just couldn't believe she could say that to me. The rejection hurt more than anything I've ever been through. I could barely take it.

I was feeling numb and barely registered Silver pulling me away from the door until she held me in her lap with her silver dipped wings surrounding me, shielding me.

"Shhh, I have you bluebell." Silver whispered as she stroked my hair, the childhood nickname coming easy from her like the tears that slid down my cheeks.

"It hurts... like I've been lied to my whole life and I've just learned the truth, it's so unbearable." I rasped against her chest. "It's like I was stuck in a dream until now. Like somewhere, somehow, inside me I knew I was loved whole heartedly by someone, yet when I meet the person I thought that love came from... they just ripped all that love away... like it was nothing."

"Are you sure it's her?" Silver asked calmly.

I nodded my head slowly. "You know, I use to dream of these stunning pair of violet eyes when I was a kid. They'd watch over me and I felt completely at ease, like everything would be right in the world if I just had those eyes stay on me. And I felt like I recognised those eyes in my dreams. Like I knew exactly who owned them, yet I couldn't put a face to them... until now." I sighed against her tears dribbling slowly. "The moment I saw her I knew those eyes, but I couldn't be sure because they didn't look at me like they did in my dreams. The way she looked at me was hard, suspicious, almost... almost broken like. Yet what I felt when I touched her was electrifying and nothing but her being my Mate would have caused such a feeling in me. And I knew that those eyes I've dreamt about belong to her."

"I'm sorry Zara." Silver sighed into my hair as she squeezed me.

I shook my head. "It's okay... I'm just sad and confused.... How can we be Mates if she already has one?"

"I don't know. I don't know how these things work, but if you say she's your Mate, then that's what she is and she's going to have to accept it one day. You can't ignore the pull for long. Soon enough she's going to have to confront it." Silver sighed and started running a soothing hand over my wings, which comforted me immensely.

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