Chapter Six

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Vaden's POV

Night was falling by the time I got myself together and could stand up away from the statue. Aviva, who had been watching over me silently, stood up from the other bench staying quiet.

I bent down and touched my forehead to the statues remembering the feel of her skin when I saw a ring intricately woven out of platinum, rose gold, silver and amber, on the statues ring finger of her left hand. The sight of it made soul burn. Anger and pain filled me as I tuned to Aviva.

"Why is that not with her?" I asked in a controlled voice that was barely above a whisper.

"It is with her Vaden." Aviva replied easily coming towards me. She touched the statues shoulder affectionately. "Did she never tell you that she wanted to be cremated?"

I bulked because I didn't know that. Then again, we're near immortal, I didn't think we were going to die anytime soon. Or ever really.

I clenched my jaw and shook my head. "No, I didn't know that." I sighed sadly.

"She's here." Aviva stated touching the smooth marble of the flowing dress over the statues torso. "I didn't want to melt the ring so I placed it on the statue instead."

I looked at the statues sleeping face and felt my heart constrict. "It looks so much like her." I sighed sadly touching the statues head and remembering the feel of her hair. Soft as silk and flowed like midnight liquid.

"I miss her." I stated softly.

"So do I." Aviva agreed.

We were silent for a long time just raking in the silent garden as night fell.

"Okay... I'm ready to go now." I told Aviva before bending down to kiss the ring on the statues hand. "I'll be back soon, zhilat."

Another silent two hour drive later, we were back at the school. I was going to leave without a word but Aviva stopped me.

"Vaden... I'm sorry for pushing you away and taking her away from you... but I lost one sister, I didn't want to lose another."

I looked at the ground silently before turning around back to her and placed a kiss to her cheek. "Thank you. I know it was for my safety. I owe you a lot more than just protecting your daughter."

"I know what it's doing to you having to be around her but please, you're the only one I know that's able to protect her."

I nodded my head. "I will do my job."

Again Aviva stopped me before I could turn and leave. "I know you will, but I have one more favour to ask of you if you do not mind."

I sighed softly feeling exhausted from the strange and very long day. "Very well, what is it?"

"Will you teach Zara how to use pure mana?" Aviva asked while coming to stand near me. "I know she can use it because we've had... incidences in the past, where she has shown aptitude for it, and I have no one to teach her."

"I taught Athena some of what I knew at the time, could she not teach her?" I wondered and started walking towards the office building.

"She tried to but Athena is not a fighter and hasn't needed to use her skills for a long time. She's a teacher here but only for classes such as maths, commerce and the sciences." Aviva sighed softly and I could hear her own exhaustion in her breath though she hides it a lot better than I do.

"Very well then. I will teach her what I know." I agreed, feeling reluctant but knowing I had to try.

"Thank you Vaden. There is a set time for the class on the timetable." I nodded my head and we finally parted ways.

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