Chapter Seven

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Zara's POV

It wasn't the first time I've walked in on my two favourite teachers making out, but seeing them swamp my new bodyguard with such excitement was surpising.

Mercy pushed away from Vaden for a second, tears in her eyes which surprised me even more, "Holy shit it really is you!" she breathed.

Vaden awkwardly patted Ash's back who didn't look like she was going to let go. "Ah, yeah it's me," Vaden nodded her head with a smile that was more a grimace.

"Yeah! I'm here too!" Vaughn pitched in but was ignored making him pout off to the side.

"I'm so glad you're back. It's so good to see you again," Ash sighed relaxing against Vaden like they were long lost lovers or something.

"I've missed you too Ash, you're looking really good for a human," Vaden smirked down at her.

Ash laughed and finally pushed away, "that's what happens when you're mates with a Nightwalker."

"Yeah, how on earth did that happen?" Vaden raised a curious eyebrow at them, "I was sure that you'd end up with Anon or something."

Ash blushed deeply and covered her face with a groan while Mercy laughed uncontrollably, "she did get with him, actually we both did for a while until we got stuck in a cave for two days and well, shit happened and we realised that we were only going after him to make each other jealous," Mercy shrugged as she wrapped a comfortable arm around the earthy skinned witch and kissed her temple, "Anon was a bit put out when we were finally rescued and totally ignored him."

Huh, even I didn't know their story. Who knew?

"Well I'm glad you're both doing well," Vaden sighed and I stinging in my chest for some reason had me thinking that she was suddenly feeling sad.

"Yeah, you're lucky we became Mates and that I'm still alive, would you have visited if I was on my death bed?" Ash asked Vaden getting over her embarrassment from their story.

Vaden shook her head, "I always knew you were alive. I didn't need to come visit you. I did, however, go to Eliza's and Jonah's funeral,"

"And you didn't say hi?" Mercy gasped mocking hurt as she clutched at her chest.

"I'm sorry," Vaden apologised while looking at the ground, "I... I couldn't, Aviva didn't allow me to."

Mercy placed a reassuring hand to her shoulder, "we know, don't worry. We forgive you for leaving if that's what you need to hear, but really we don't blame you for it. If I lost Ash like that..." Mercy looked at Ash with an incredibly painful look that made my heart hurt just seeing it.

But, I still couldn't really understand what they were talking about. Vaden obviously left for a long time, and from what I know about their ages it was a really long time, and they haven't seen each other till now. But why did Vaden leave?

Vaden grimaced and shook her head, "thank you, but I still feel bad for leaving even if I was ordered to," she said with a sigh.

Ash rolled her eyes and smiled softly at her, "it was for your safety so it was needed. Anyway, enough of this depressing subject, how about we go and celebrate our reunion, since its been long in waiting?"

"Sure, but I'd like to visit the king first," Vaden agreed and I realised Alaric was suddenly at my side.

"Hey, how do they all know each other?" He whispered to me needing to bend down some to get to my ear.

"I'm not entirely sure, but I'm assuming it has something to do with my mum knowing them all," I whispered back with a shrug, "Sorry, thats pretty much all I know."

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