"Do I wanna know if this feeling flows both ways? It's hard to see you go; I was sorta hoping that you'd stay."
Chapter 5
Harry's pov
Bella and I have been in the closet for a short amount of time. "So..." she mumbles, "It's pretty dark in here."
She flicks a lightswitch near the door on. "No," I say as I reach across her, turning the light off, "it's better off." She looks up at me, her eyes filled with curiousity.
"You know, it is seven minutes of heaven," I smirk, "we may as well make the best of it."
"Well talking really isn't heavenly is it?" she retaliates.
"Then let's not talk at all." I say slower than usual.
"What do you mean?" Bella asks. As if she doesn't know what I mean. I know she wants to kiss me as much I want to kiss her. She thinks it's all for the game, I hope, because I don't want her getting any further ideas.
"Shh." I shush her and step closer and closer until we are against the wall. All that can be heard is her heavy breathing and I know she is captivated by me right now.
"You know what I mean." I finally answer her question, leaning down to connect our lips. She is surprised and doesn't kiss me back.
I pull back and put my lips to her ear. "Snap out of it." I whisper and I feel her shiver slightly.
I kiss her again and she finally caves, kissing me back. She tugs at my hair and I place my hands at her waist. She presses her mouth against mine a little rougher until she suddenly pulls away. She stares at me for a moment, her eyes glossy, and yanks the closet door open.
"Bella, it's only been six minutes and 12 seconds." I faintly hear Hailey say. I walk out of the closet and run a hand through my hair. Bella runs down the stairs quickly, wiping at her eyes. Everyone staring between me and the staircase.
"What happened?" Chase asks. "None of your fucking business." I reply, running down the stairs.
Bella sees me stumble out of the house and tries to tug her car door open as fast as she can, but it's locked and I am nearing her by the second.
So she sprints from me.
I dash after her as quick as I can and after about two blocks, she stops running. She is out of breath and can't hold in her cries now. She sits on the sidewalk and buries her face in her knees.
"Why are you running from me?" I ask her. She doesn't move at all, just sniffles and wipes her eyes on her jeans.
"Bella, come on, it's cold." I urge. She looks up and wipes under her eyes. She has to be freezing; she's only got on a thin jacket.
"We can go back to Hailey's and talk about this. Seriously, what's wrong?" I push. She's stopped crying now and instead gives me the silent treatment, getting up from the curb and walking in the direction of the house.
"It's like 40 degrees out here, at least take my jacket." I insist, starting to unzip my hoodie.
"Is that what you do to all the girls? Give them your jacket? Whisper in their ears? Kiss them?" she asks rhetorically and almost cries again. The streetlights make her face visible, and she looks upset.
"Is that what this is about?" I ask her. She walks faster away from me. Of course it's what this is about. I decide to be selfish and watch her reaction, though. I wonder how upset she really is.
"But I can't lie...that is what I do." I challenge. Bella turns around with wide eyes brimmed with tears. "What?" she asks between grinded teeth. "To all the girls. I do give them my hoodies. Whisper in their ears. Maybe if they're lucky, I'll kiss them."
"Whatever." she murmurs in a hoarse voice and walks off.
"I'm just testing you. I don't whisper in girls' ears or kiss them." I only want it to be you, my subconscious remarks.
"Well can you stop?" she asks blankly. "Sorry." I say under my breath.
Bella pov
Even against the cold, I'm on fire. I'm pissed off; it's his objective to piss me off and it's working. I don't know why he is challenging me, though. All I want to do is go home. I'm freezing and I have a crazy headache. "Whatever." I croak and walk back to the house. Even my throat is starting to hurt. I bet my hair is a mess.
"I'm just testing you. I don't whisper in girls' ears or kiss them." Yeah, right. And testing me for what? Not punching him in the face?
"Well can you stop?" I ask with no expression, but inside all my emotions are screaming out at once.
He follows close behind me.
"Did we get paired on purpose?" I ask, looking up at the dark sky with a frown.
"Why would you think that?"
"I don't know, a lot of people enjoy the idea of 'us'" I reply, motioning between me and him. Including me.
"Really? I never noticed." he remarks.
We silently walk side by side now, nearing the house.
"Why'd you do it?" I question
"Kiss me if you didn't want to."
"I did it for the game. Never said I didn't want to by the way." he answers.
"Of course you did it only for the game." I mumble. "What was that?" he asks. "Nothing." I lie.
"Enough with those questions; are you still mad at me?" he stops on the sidewalk. I don't answer him and keep walking.
"It doesn't matter." I tell him and storm away. He stays quiet and follows behind. I walk into Hailey's and back up the stairs.
"Are you okay?" Hailey asks. Everyone in the room looks at me with concern. I simply nod and sit down on the couch next to Chase. "Hey, you okay?" he whispers. He rubs my back, attempting to comfort me. I give him a tired smile and nod. "Do you wanna talk about it?" he asks. I shrug. I don't but at the same time I do. "Come on." he leads me to Hailey's room.
Chase sits on the bed and pats the spot next to him. I gently sit next to him. "So what happened; why'd you run out of here so fast?" he asks. I sigh and tell him that I was uncomfortable staying in the hot closet for so long. He looks at me puzzled. "But you were crying." he points out. "I know but I was just upset because of something Harry had done...I mean said." I tell him. "What did you two do in the closet? Or what did he say?" Chase questions, "If what he did was so bad, why did you come back with him?"
I shake my head and stand up. "I have to go..." I lie. I don't want to talk about this anymore; more importantly, I don't want Chase to know that Harry had kissed me; I don't need anyone to know that it was the reason for me running out of the house like that. "Sit with me before you go then?" he asks. "Okay." I comply, sitting down again.
"Can I tell you a secret?"
I nod. He turns his face to mine and leans in to connect our lips. I'm in panic mode right now and I don't know what I'm doing sitting here letting Chase kiss me. The door swings open as Hailey walks in. "Where is my-" her eyes widen at the sight of us. I push Chase off of me and wave my hands around. "It's not...oh god." I try to explain.
"Bella what the hell?" she exclaims. "I can't believe-"
"I kissed her, it's not her fault." Chase speaks up. Hailey pinches the bridge of her nose and I don't know how this night could get any worse.
And that's when Harry walks in and I quickly stand to my feet. "What's all the yelling about?" he asks. I plead Hailey to not tell him with my eyes and she sighs.
"I was just telling Bella and Chase that my room is off limits."
"Since when is your room off limits? And what were you two really doing in here?" Harry questions suspiciously.

FanficIsabella Collins is 17, in her senior year of highschool. She has average grades, is easy going with people, and has many friends. Her best guy friend is Harry, known as the player in her grade. She fell for him easily, possibly by accident, and whe...